1- Identify three benefits (i.e. advantages) and three challenges (i.e. disadvantages) immigrants face by living in a multicultural society like Canada. Briefly discuss each of them. (12 points)

Benefits Explanation



Challenges Explanation



2- Explain the following concepts by using examples to support your explanation. (8 points)
a- Hyphenated Canadian – ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b- Split Personality – ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c- Sense of Belonging – ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d- Autobiographical narrative –

3- From the perspective of the teachers in the stories “The Other Family” and “The Jade Peony”, what immigration model do they represent? Cite an example for each story to support your answer as per APA citation format. (10 points)

Immigration Model: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“The Other Family”: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
“The Jade Peony”: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4- What symbolic figure does the ‘grandmother’ represent in the story “Yellow and White”? Justify your answer. (5 points)

5- Analyze the story “A Proper Goodbye” in terms of Elements of Narrative. Write your answer in a paragraph. You are required to answer the 8 elements but not necessary following the alphabetical order organized here. (40 points) – (Words: 150-250)

a- Protagonist
b- Antagonist
c- Setting
d- Plot
e- Conflict
f- Resolution
g- Turning Point
h- Theme(s)

6- a)-How can studies about the Self and Social Identity be valuable for Immigrant Narratives?
b)-Give two (2) examples from any of the short stories you read in your Course Kit to support your answer. (15 points)

7- In immigrant narratives the main characters usually express feelings of nostalgia; however, this emotional aspect is absent in the short stories you read in your Course Kit. How can you explain the absence of nostalgia in the story “Yellow and White”? In turn, what emotional elements or feelings the protagonist may have had while describing her experience in a store in Montreal? Support your answer by citing an example from the story. (10 points)

Absence of nostalgia: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Emotional experience: (type of emotion + example)









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