“In a world that demands justice when the unthinkable becomes reality, there are no easy answers when that reality involves minors. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and remains the only nation that, in rare circumstances, will sentence its juveniles to life without parole. Is it a solution? Does it work? Do we care?”

Sample Solution

In terms of the issue of juvenile life without parole sentences, it is important to consider all sides of the argument. On one hand, proponents argue that this type of sentencing can provide victims and their families with a sense of closure and justice by ensuring that those who have committed terrible crimes are punished accordingly. This form of punishment also serves as a deterrent effect for other potential offenders, as they will be more aware that such extreme punishments could result from criminal activity. However, on the other hand there are numerous risks associated with sentencing juveniles to life without parole, which include psychological harm caused by long-term confinement in adult prisons as well as reducing recidivism rates when these individuals eventually do leave prison after serving their entire sentence.


Sample Solution

In terms of the issue of juvenile life without parole sentences, it is important to consider all sides of the argument. On one hand, proponents argue that this type of sentencing can provide victims and their families with a sense of closure and justice by ensuring that those who have committed terrible crimes are punished accordingly. This form of punishment also serves as a deterrent effect for other potential offenders, as they will be more aware that such extreme punishments could result from criminal activity. However, on the other hand there are numerous risks associated with sentencing juveniles to life without parole, which include psychological harm caused by long-term confinement in adult prisons as well as reducing recidivism rates when these individuals eventually do leave prison after serving their entire sentence.


From a moral standpoint, it is difficult to accept locking up young people for decades on end – depriving them from any hope or chance at redemption – regardless how heinous acts may seem. From an economic standpoint , costs related to life without parole sentences (e.g., housing & medical care) far outweigh much cheaper options such rehabilitation programs offered through juvenile justice system itself – thus raising questions regarding why money would be spent this way instead being invested prevention efforts designed enhance public safety community development initiatives within affected neighborhoods.

Ultimately while there may be cases where some people (victims most importantly) feel strongly about handing down LWOP sentences argue need enact harsh consequences order create sense finality deterrent there must balance between retribution restoration society’s eyes reality show incarceration only succeeds providing short term solution longer term implications remain largely unsolved unless dealt directly otherwise could lead further cycles crime generations henceforth.

It is critical for us to consider not only what we can do now but also think about ways ensure future generations safe healthy environment wherein rights protected human dignity respected everyone welcomed regardless past mistakes having made enables greater possibility long term success society whole despite current shortcomings no easy answers mentioned at outset yet together through dialogue understanding collective effort towards common goals we move closer better tomorrow for all citizens united states world over .

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