As a health care manager in today’s industry, your values and ethics will guide your daily decisions.
Discuss the following questions with the class:
What impact do individual values have on ethical decision-making? Provide an example.
What may change an individual’s values or ethics? Provide an example.




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The Influence of Individual Values on Ethical Decision-Making in Healthcare Management

In the dynamic and complex healthcare industry, the values and ethics of a healthcare manager play a crucial role in guiding daily decisions and actions. Individual values shape the ethical framework within which healthcare managers operate and influence the decision-making process. Understanding how personal values impact ethical decision-making and recognizing factors that can alter individual values is essential for effective leadership in healthcare management.

Impact of Individual Values on Ethical Decision-Making

Individual values serve as the foundation for ethical decision-making in healthcare management. Personal values such as integrity, compassion, honesty, and respect shape the moral compass of healthcare managers and guide their behavior in challenging situations. For example, a healthcare manager who values patient-centered care may prioritize patient well-being and safety when making decisions about resource allocation or treatment options. These values influence the manager’s ethical judgments and actions, ensuring that patient care remains at the forefront of decision-making processes.


Consider a scenario where a healthcare manager faces a dilemma regarding disclosing medical errors to patients. If the manager values transparency, honesty, and patient autonomy, they may choose to disclose the error to the patient despite potential repercussions. By aligning their decision with their values, the manager upholds ethical principles of truthfulness and patient-centered care, even though the situation may be challenging.

Factors Influencing Changes in Individual Values or Ethics

Several factors can contribute to changes in an individual’s values or ethics over time. External influences, personal experiences, organizational culture, societal norms, and evolving perspectives can all impact an individual’s values and ethical beliefs. These changes may result in shifts in behavior, decision-making processes, and priorities for healthcare managers.


An individual’s values or ethics may change due to exposure to new information, diverse perspectives, or transformative experiences. For instance, a healthcare manager who previously prioritized cost-efficiency and productivity may undergo a shift in values after witnessing the impact of inadequate staffing on patient outcomes. Through reflection and self-awareness, the manager may recognize the importance of quality care and patient safety, leading to a realignment of values towards prioritizing patient well-being over financial considerations.

In conclusion, individual values serve as the moral compass that guides ethical decision-making in healthcare management. Understanding the influence of personal values on ethical judgments and recognizing factors that can shape or alter values is essential for healthcare managers to navigate complex ethical dilemmas and uphold integrity in their leadership roles. By aligning decisions with core values and fostering a culture of ethical awareness and reflection, healthcare managers can promote a culture of integrity, compassion, and excellence in delivering patient-centered care within the healthcare industry.

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