Describe and explain key propositions of this theory. Reflect on how this theory may apply to your life.Referring to the interdependence theory, indicate 3 costs and 3 rewards that you have on your “list” for a partner.
Provide a clear definition in a behavioral terms of 3 items from that list.
Give examples from your life on how “costs” and “rewards” were linked to a stability and satisfaction of your relationship? Please include overall conclusion or critic on this theory.


Sample Solution

The interdependence theory is a communication and relationship theory that focuses on how people in relationships manage their individual needs for autonomy, control, and connection. The theory suggests that all interpersonal relationships involve an exchange of rewards and costs which are based on the need for dependency or interdependence. Rewards encourage us to remain in the relationship and costs discourage us from doing so.

Sample Solution

The interdependence theory is a communication and relationship theory that focuses on how people in relationships manage their individual needs for autonomy, control, and connection. The theory suggests that all interpersonal relationships involve an exchange of rewards and costs which are based on the need for dependency or interdependence. Rewards encourage us to remain in the relationship and costs discourage us from doing so.

Three rewards I have on my list for a partner would be: love, affection, and support. Love is a feeling of strong positive emotion towards someone else expressed through physical touch, words/actions of affirmation, understanding one another’s feelings etc. Affection involves displaying warmth or kindness towards another person as well as providing emotional comfort; while support refers to providing assistance (financial or otherwise) when needed by means such direct help guidance during tough times etc..

Three behavioral definitions of these rewards would include: offering verbal compliments; demonstrating physical affection like hugs kisses; assisting with daily tasks e.g., house chores errands finances etc.; actively listening sharing thoughts concerns openly honestly without fear judgement instilling sense safety trust between people involved – all being examples what can done show appreciation value other person brought life our own…

Examples from my life on how costs and rewards were linked to the stability satisfaction of my relationship include: when reward was given freely without attachments burdens expectations always felt more satisfied after each interaction compared moments when cost was imposed either unintentionally deliberately leading increased tension mistrust between both parties involved – suggesting that provided correctly incentivizing behavior leading higher levels loyalty greater commitment coming standpoint others suggests far better results terms reaching desirable outcomes having healthy productive partnerships going forward future well beyond here now…

Overall conclusion or critique on this theory: The Interdependence Theory highlights importance maintaining balance between reinforcing rewarding actions versus punishing imposing forms behaviour order achieve optimal outcome terms keeping strong stable healthy relationship functioning efficiency possible – recognizing need express ourselves freely while also respecting boundaries those whom we come contact with aiding them achieving desired level independence along way enable mutually beneficial scenarios long-term basis potentially resulting great degree personal growth development throughout course progression various encounters may arise lifetime!

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