As a Social Work Undergraduate student, I intern at Childrens Aid Society NYC, where I assist with low risk cases under the supervision of Licensed Therapists.
For this Assignment, we are tasked with preparing a practice statement which shows our Understanding of field work and implementation of concepts learned in class.
For info on this case that i want to use for this practice statement, I’ve attached a refferal form received at my agency requesting services for the clients. I’ve also attached a draft process recording of a session i sat in on with a therapist and the family. All identifying info has be changed to hide the idntity of this family.
I’ve attached a document that details the scope for practice in Social work as well that may help clarify technical issues. While its specific to Canada, its generally the same for the USA.
Just to note that while this is a family case, the primary client is the child “AB”. At the bottom of the referral, youll see that they were referred for FFT services, which is where me and my agency comes into play. The client is now engaged in FFT services at Childrens Aid.
Heres a link to my agency for info on the work we do.
If you need more Information please reach out!
Please use the attachments to guides your answers for the assignment below.
Tell us about your interventions with an individual, a family, or a group. Describe the agency, its mission, and the population it serves. Offer your ideas about the problem(s), your assessment, and the plan for intervention.
Disguise the names of individuals and organizations. Your summary of one to two pages should describe the case from beginning to end. Use the following guidelines for your discussion:
- A well-constructed essay no more than two pages, typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins and a type-size minimum of 12 points.
- What is your assessment of the case? Summarize the essential data of the case, including age; ethnicity; race; presenting problem and its history; client’s strengths and abilities; and mitigating factors or stressors that contributed to the problem. Also include attempts the client has made to address the problem. Describe your own understanding of the problem, which may be different from the client’s understanding.
- Identify the interventions you utilized. Was your plan of action based on your understanding and assessment of the client’s problem? We are interested in knowing about your practice skills, such as exploration, contracting, clarifying, effective communication, and symptom management. You can include an excerpt from a process recording to demonstrate the helping process.
- Make an evaluation of your work with the client, critically analyzing the strengths and limitations of your efforts. In retrospect, how might you have intervened differently? Please comment on how and why.
- Describe how you used supervision in providing service to the client. What was the nature of the supervision? What did you learn from supervision?
Sample Solution