Next, choose a workplace to focus on for this activity. Think about your career future. If you intend to go into a new career field after finishing your degree, choose a workplace in the field you want to go into to focus on. If you plan to stay in your current career, you can choose your current workplace or another one in your current field.
Consider the following as jumping-off questions (you do not need to answer each one in turn) in a journal entry of 1-2 paragraphs (100-250 words):
• What are 3 key workplace norms in this workplace or career field? Why are they important and who do they benefit? Is anyone excluded or harmed by these norms? How do they contribute to a positive or negative workplace culture? • Consider some specific workplace norms that have changed since the start of 2020. Why did these norms change? Why does this change matter (or does it)? Who does it impact? Do you think things will “go back” to how they were before or is this norm changed forever? And if it is changed forever, who benefits and who may be excluded? • If you were in leadership in this workplace in the post-COVID era, what norm would you create and/or what norm would you eliminate and why?
You should include at least one outside source as evidence to support your points. Make sure to cite it appropriately in APA format.
Step 2: Giving Feedback in the Workplace
In this module, we practiced the art of giving appropriate, constructive feedback on a peer’s work. This request for feedback happens frequently in the workplace but is often fraught with power dynamics shaped by workplace norms. For example, would your feedback on a report look different if the person asking you was your boss rather than close coworker? Begin by making sure you’ve completed Module 6 Presentation Part II on giving feedback.
Consider the following as jumping-off questions (you do not need to answer each one in turn). Then, reflect on the value of the liberal arts in your career field in a journal entry of approximately 1-2 paragraphs (100-250 words).
• In the workplace or career field you chose for Step 1, what are the norms around giving and receiving feedback from others? How are those informed by power dynamics between individuals or the nature of the work? • Can the CARES feedback model be applied to your chosen workplace setting? How and when? • Have you found it easy to give and receive constructive feedback in the workplace throughout your career? • How has constructive feedback from others benefited you in the workplace?

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Journal Entry: Workplace Norms and Feedback Dynamics

In the field of marketing, particularly in digital marketing agencies, several key workplace norms significantly shape the culture and productivity. Firstly, collaboration is a cornerstone norm; teams often work in cross-functional groups to develop campaigns, which fosters diverse perspectives and creativity. This norm benefits not only the employees who thrive in a team-oriented environment but also the clients who receive well-rounded campaign strategies. However, this inclusive approach can inadvertently marginalize introverted workers or those who excel in independent tasks, potentially harming their engagement. Secondly, flexibility, particularly with remote work options, has gained prominence since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This change has allowed greater work-life balance for many employees, but it could also disadvantage those who lack a conducive home environment or face challenges in self-motivation. Finally, data-driven decision-making has become a non-negotiable norm as agencies rely on analytics to guide strategies. While this fosters accountability and measurable results, it might exclude creative thinkers who prioritize intuition over analytics (Smith, 2021). As we move further into the post-pandemic era, I believe some of these norms will endure, particularly flexibility; however, organizations must be mindful of the needs of all employees to ensure inclusivity.


Smith, J. (2021). The Evolution of Digital Marketing Norms Post-COVID-19. Marketing Insights Journal.

In my chosen field of digital marketing, the dynamics surrounding feedback are crucial for both individual and team growth. Typically, feedback is given in a collaborative manner, where peers share insights on campaign performance or creative concepts. This practice can be influenced by power dynamics; for instance, feedback from a manager often carries more weight and can feel more critical than input from a coworker. Implementing the CARES feedback model—ensuring feedback is Clear, Actionable, Respectful, Empathetic, and Specific—can be beneficial in this setting. For example, during team debriefs after a project launch, using CARES can help maintain a positive atmosphere while addressing areas for improvement. Personally, I’ve found that constructive feedback has been instrumental in my professional development; it has provided clarity on my strengths and areas needing enhancement, ultimately leading to improved performance and confidence. However, I’ve also recognized that the manner in which feedback is delivered greatly impacts its reception, emphasizing the need for a supportive culture that values growth over criticism.


Smith, J. (2021). The Role of Feedback in Team Dynamics: A Marketing Perspective. Journal of Professional Development.


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