
Meet Raymond. Raymond is 14 years old and attends Peirce High School in Philadelphia. Ray’s parents are still married and they both work. Over the years Ray has been a good student (As and Bs) but this school year his grades began to slide. His parents notice changes in Ray and in the friends he spends time with, he’s also more disrespectful at home.

One day after school, Ray was hanging out with his new friends. Bored, with nothing to do and no money, one of them suggests they rob someone to get some money so they can buy drugs. They all agree and find a target. Unbeknownst to Ray, one of his friends had a gun and the group used that gun to commit the robbery.

Needless to say, Ray and his friends were all apprehended by police close to the scene of the crime. Ray has never been arrested before and has no criminal record. Ray enters into a plea agreement and is committed to 1 year term in a juvenile facility.


  1. Should Raymond be tried as an adult for this offense? Why? or Why not? What factors are impact your decision? If he is found guilty in a Juvenile Court, what type of treatment should he receive? Should he be placed on Probation?
  2. Let’s assume Raymond has been adjudicated delinquent and ordered to receive his treatment in a juvenile facility. I want you to create a juvenile facility for Ray to serve out his sentence. Include the following:

a. What type of environment is your facility? Does it focus on treatment or punishment?

b. In light of your response to Question #1, identify or create two (2) programs that would be available to meet the focus of your facility?

c. What types of risk factors was Raymond exposed to? What role did they play in his fate? What additional facts would be beneficial to you in determining what is within Raymond’s best interest regarding his treatment?

d. What types of services will or should be available to help juveniles reintegrate back into society after leaving your facility?

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