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Describe several possible Cybercrime objectives and operational methods that could be employed for abuse of Digital currencies, and the “Internet of Things”.
Examine and Describe laws and practices related to Computer Forensics. Will these laws and practices be effective for emerging cyber crimes you have described above? Explain your answer.



Sample Solution

When it comes to cybercrime objectives and operational methods for abuse of digital currencies, there are many different possibilities. One example could be the use of malware to steal cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum from wallets stored on a person’s computer. The cybercriminal could also attempt to manipulate the market by buying up large amounts of currency and then selling them back at inflated prices. Other potential objectives include using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against exchanges in order to disrupt their operations or stealing sensitive financial data which can then be used for illegal activities.

Sample Solution

When it comes to cybercrime objectives and operational methods for abuse of digital currencies, there are many different possibilities. One example could be the use of malware to steal cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum from wallets stored on a person’s computer. The cybercriminal could also attempt to manipulate the market by buying up large amounts of currency and then selling them back at inflated prices. Other potential objectives include using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against exchanges in order to disrupt their operations or stealing sensitive financial data which can then be used for illegal activities.

As far as laws and practices related to computer forensics go, there is a wide range available depending on where one is located. Generally speaking, however ,laws tend focus on gathering evidence during investigations so that those responsible for any given crime may punished accordingly . This can range from corporate crimes like intellectual property theft all way through more serious offenses such as fraud/money laundering etc . Practices wise typical procedures involve either examining suspects’ computers directly or making copies same order search for pertinent information with ultimate goal obtaining sufficient proof warrant charges being brought against individual(s) associated therewith accordingly.

In terms effectiveness these laws/practices when dealing with emerging forms cybercrimes scenario will depend largely upon particular type offense committed; since most existing statutes have been established address “traditional” offenses rather than newer ones meaning some leeway might need granted in certain cases order ensure fair punishments handed out ultimately providing greater level protection public interest wise moving forward into future likewisellace hereto. In any case primary objective is to ensure that both parties are satisfied terms results aforementioned in order create mutually beneficial relationship going forward. This can be accomplished through open communication, good understanding other\’s needs, and setting expectations accordingly .
Ultimately goal is to find career/job offer which suits overall wellbeing all involved thereby contributing towards an improved quality life on part affected individuals while taking into account individualized care plans tailored towards achieving desired patient centered outcomes at same time.

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