Develop logistic regression, decision tree and neural network models that will identify
whether stores will perform well or poorly. You can use Orange, Python, R, or any data mining
package of your choice. The data for the assignment is in a file storedata.csv, which you can
download from the same place you found this document. The data dictionary is given at the
end of this document. You must follow the correct methodology to use the data to build and
test your models.

Sample Solution

To begin, it is important to understand the data set provided. The ‘storedata.csv’ file contains information on various store locations such as region, location type and sales per square foot of retail space, among other things. This data will allow us to better understand which stores are performing well or poorly based on their respective attributes in order to create predictive models that can be used for future decisions regarding store openings or relocations.

We can use a variety of popular data mining packages such as Orange, Python, R etc., in order build our logistic regression models with this data set. First off we must start by cleaning & pre-processing the given dataset so that we may create an accurate representation of our target variable (store performance). This process includes dealing with any missing values or outliers present before manually transforming categorical/binary variables into numerical form where applicable.

Once cleaned & formatted correctly we can then proceed towards splitting up the dataset into training & testing subsets – using one part to train our model while reserving the remainder for validating its accuracy once finished. After dividing up the samples accordingly we may begin constructing the actual logistic regression model using relevant metrics like sales per square foot alongside various other input variables identified earlier during pre-processing stage (such as location type etc.).

After optimizing parameters within our LR model so as maximize predictive potential we must test accuracy of results generated against original testing subset so see how closely they match up – indicating whether any adjustments need made prior moving onto decision tree building portion project!

In conclusion then through proper analysis and modeling techniques it is possible utilize storedata file predict future success failure stores effectively utilizing appropriate software packages available at disposal!

Sample Solution

To begin, it is important to understand the data set provided. The ‘storedata.csv’ file contains information on various store locations such as region, location type and sales per square foot of retail space, among other things. This data will allow us to better understand which stores are performing well or poorly based on their respective attributes in order to create predictive models that can be used for future decisions regarding store openings or relocations.

We can use a variety of popular data mining packages such as Orange, Python, R etc., in order build our logistic regression models with this data set. First off we must start by cleaning & pre-processing the given dataset so that we may create an accurate representation of our target variable (store performance). This process includes dealing with any missing values or outliers present before manually transforming categorical/binary variables into numerical form where applicable.

Once cleaned & formatted correctly we can then proceed towards splitting up the dataset into training & testing subsets – using one part to train our model while reserving the remainder for validating its accuracy once finished. After dividing up the samples accordingly we may begin constructing the actual logistic regression model using relevant metrics like sales per square foot alongside various other input variables identified earlier during pre-processing stage (such as location type etc.).

After optimizing parameters within our LR model so as maximize predictive potential we must test accuracy of results generated against original testing subset so see how closely they match up – indicating whether any adjustments need made prior moving onto decision tree building portion project!

In conclusion then through proper analysis and modeling techniques it is possible utilize storedata file predict future success failure stores effectively utilizing appropriate software packages available at disposal!

Genghis Khan was a master of the siege The Field Museum declared. He would send scouts out to find out the time that resources and food would be moved, and to look at the guard positioning. This let him know more about their opponents than they know about them. He would cut off supplies to the city so they can’t get new gear. He would starve them and then when they are weak he would attack and take the city. He was able to surprise the defenders by the distance the Mongols could travel in a short time. The Mongols were able to travel very fast on horseback and were able to strike more fear into their opponents like that. He also had men go into the city two or three days before the siege to get prepared to attack from the inside. This was a great idea because it is a two-pronged strategy. An attack from the outside and an attack from the inside too. He used lighting to make his army look bigger to strike fear into his opponents. He used this to make their opponents afraid and when someone is afraid they can’t think straight and they will make a choice that will cost them the city.

Fear is a great weapon in war and it is still used today Psychological Warfare suggested. Genghis Khan was a master of putting fear into the hearts of his opponents and his own men. This fear made his men work harder because they were afraid of him. He also used fear to unite the Mongol tribes under his rule. Before the siege he wants his opponents to know he is coming because they will hesitate and will not be able to fight with a clear mind. Fighting with a clouded mind is very difficult because you can’t think straight, you will make a mistake, or you will do both. He used lighting to make his enemies be afraid because it made the Mongol army look almost three times as larger than it really is. This let him put fear into his enemy’s minds at night which would result in a lack of sleep and their brain won’t be able to work fast and would not be able to react to something as fast as they would normally. Genghis Khan burned whole towns because he wanted his enemies to know his strength and that would make his opponents fear him. Whoever controls the fear in a battle has more control than your enemy’s do.



The Mongols were masters of the horse archer tactic, and the warriors and legends site gave many examples of why. Before Genghis Khan, the horse archer tactic was used for hunting because on a horse they were able to keep up with the running animals. The Mongols were once a bunch of nomadic tribes and hunting was a huge part of their lives. They adapted to their living conditions by using horses. The Mongols were able to control the horse with their feet and shoot with their bows in hand. This was an effective tactic in a are because the Mongols were always in motion, so their enemies would have a hard time hitting them and the

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