What themes does Maggie Aderin-Pocock draw on to talk about the transitional moments in her life?

but it says in order form that it is subject business!!! this needs to be changed to Psychology with counselling – it can also be up to 2200 words as they allow for 10% over…

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2000 words refernced by harvard style based on the material covered over the module investigating psychology – doing Bsc in Psychology with counselling but taken three modules this yr and my wife due to have baby any day so things are crazy got two more end of yr assignments for next week and a=then an exam so bit overloaded…
Qualitative mini-project report

Conduct a thematic analysis of an audio clip from an interview held in the Oral History of British Science archive of the British Library. Then, write an empirical report of three themes you have identified in your analysis of the interview in answer to the following research question:

What themes does Maggie Aderin-Pocock draw on to talk about the transitional moments in her life?
Word limit: 2000 words (excluding title, abstract, references and appendices)

For TMA 04 you will produce an empirical report that draws on psychological topics and methods covered in Block 3. One of the key themes of Block 3 concerns how we come to understand periods of fixity and moments of transition across the lifespan. This assignment develops this theme by asking you to use thematic analysis to explore how people make sense of themselves in their social world. This will allow you to consolidate your understanding of how psychological theory and qualitative research can be applied to a specific context

elevant material
The following resources will be useful in completing your report:

The topic material from Week 25, including Book 3, Chapter 5 and the online activities which discuss change and continuity across the lifespan, in particular in relation to transition.
The methods material from Week 23 on thematic analysis, and the project material in Week 26. You will also find Chapter 6 of the DE100 textbook Investigating Methods useful.
You need to identify a minimum of two relevant peer-reviewed psychology journal articles that you have found through an independent literature search. If you do not include and discuss two relevant journal articles, you will lose five marks from the overall score for your TMA. You may find it helpful to revisit the guidance in Week 2 and Week 20 on ‘Asking questions about the literature’.

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