Task 1) Report
Provide a short report (maximum 2 pages including references) that answers the following question:
What are the differences between the following processor instruction sets?
Include the following aspects:
• Timing
• Number of instructions
• Processors using each approach
• Advantages and disadvantages of each approach

Task 2) Pelican System
You need to design a Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing (Pelican) system using the flowchart method and then implement this using Arduino UNO. The specification of what is required is as follows:
• Design the circuit of the Pelican system, which includes an Arduino UNO, LEDs and other necessary components. The system has two sets of lights, one for car drivers (green + yellow + red LEDs) and one for pedestrians (green + red LEDs).
• Connect the components as designed.
• Write the code for the system. If a button is pressed by a pedestrian, the traffic lights should work following a standard UK sequence.
• More advanced features can be added into the system to improve safety and practicality.
Notes: You can also write debug commands to the serial port so you know what is going on.

Task 3) Automatic Swing Door
You need to design a simplified ‘automatic swing door’ system controlled by an Arduino UNO. In the system, a light dependent resistor (LDR) is used to detect an object approaching through the change of light brightness. A servo is used to simulate the operation of an automatic door, and an LED will indicate the status of the door. The specification of what is required is as follows:
• Design the circuit of the system, which includes an Arduino UNO, a servo motor, an LDR, an LED and other necessary components.
• Connect the components as designed.
• Write the code for the system. If an object approaches the LDR, the servo will move from its initial closed position (0°) to an open position (90°); then stay at the open position for 5 seconds; finally move back to the closed position.
• An LED is used to indicate the status of the door. If the door is open, turn on the LED; If the door is closed, turn off the LED.
• More advanced features can be added into the system to improve safety and practicality.




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