Read Chapters 27 & 28 and the “National Organization for Women, ‘Statement of Purpose’ (1966)”, :
According to the authors of the document what justifications have been used to prevent women from enjoying equal opportunities and freedom of choice?
What accounts for the disparity in earning power of women compared to men?
What areas of the professions are most glaringly dominated by men?
What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and why is it important to women?
What specific recommendations does NOW present that will enable women to enjoy true equality of opportunity and responsibility in society, without conflict with their responsibilities as mothers and homemakers?
What do the authors mean by calling for a new image of women?
Read Chapters 29 & 30 and “Bill Clinton on Free Trade and Financial Deregulation (1993-2000)”, :
According to Clinton, what will be the benefits of NAFTA and the projected dismantling of trade barriers?
What contradictions are apparent in his argument for embracing the global economy?
What is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act designed to do?
Who advocated deregulating the derivatives market, and what do these entities represent?
Sample Solution
According to the authors of the document, justifications have been used to prevent women from enjoying equal opportunities and freedom of choice include false assumptions that women are not physically capable or suited for certain jobs, as well as traditional notions about gender roles that favor men. Additionally, there is a lack of recognition for skills and educational backgrounds possessed by many women which prevents them from advancing in their careers. This can also be attributed to societal pressure on women to limit their job prospects due to a perceived conflict between motherhood and employment [1].
Sample Solution
According to the authors of the document, justifications have been used to prevent women from enjoying equal opportunities and freedom of choice include false assumptions that women are not physically capable or suited for certain jobs, as well as traditional notions about gender roles that favor men. Additionally, there is a lack of recognition for skills and educational backgrounds possessed by many women which prevents them from advancing in their careers. This can also be attributed to societal pressure on women to limit their job prospects due to a perceived conflict between motherhood and employment [1].