Do nursing managed programs applied in hospitals effect the read missions rates of heart failure patients within thirty days after discharge from the hospital.
This Assignment is helpful in developing the groundwork for understanding and integrating evidence-based practice in healthcare throughout the rest of the course. In this Assignment you will have the chance to see how the research you look for can be applied in the work you do in your practice. Overview: You will select a topic relevant to your practice area, post the topic to Discussion Board 2 for feedback, research the topic, and write a scholarly paper. From the chapter readings and discussion, formulate a 3–5 page scholarly paper in APA format, providing an overview of the terms and function of EPB. An introduction, discussion and conclusion is expected in the overview on this topic Directions: Formulate a 3–5 page scholarly paper in APA format, providing an overview of the terms and function of EPB. An introduction, discussion and conclusion is expected in the overview on this topic using the Cochrane database, research the question using the PICOT model and key words: Do nursing managed programs applied in hospitals (I) effect the readmissions rates (C) of heart failure patients (P) within thirty days after discharge from the hospital (T)? Include a minimum of 3 evidence-based references less than 5 years old and peer reviewed. DO NOT USE ANY WEBSITE REFERENCES