
Answer the questions below about Glycolysis.


  1. List three (3) nutrients that can be metabolized in the body to make ATP.
  2. List the two (2) reactions of Glycolysis where ATP is broken down.
  3. List the reaction of Glycolysis where NADH is produced.
  4. What is Glycolysis and in what compartment of the cell does this process occurs?
  5. What is the net number of ATPs produced during Glycolysis per molecule of glucose?
  6. What is the Gross number of ATPs produced during Glycolysis per molecule of glucose?
  7. What is the potential number of ATPs produced during Glycolysis per molecule of glucose?
  8. Does Glycolysis need oxygen to occur in the cytosol?
  9. List the name of the two (2) carbon intermediate compound that gets into the Kreb Cycle for the purpose of more ATP production.
  10. List the three (3) reactions of the Kreb Cycle that produce NADH.
  11. List the reactions of the Kreb Cycle that produces FADH2 and GTP.
  12. One (1) NADH can produce how many ATPs?
  13. One (1) FADH2 can produce how many ATPs?
  14. One (1) GTP can produce how many ATPs?
  15. What is decarboxylation? List one (1) decarboxylation reaction in Glycolysis and two (2) decarboxylation reactions in Kreb Cyle.
  16. Do the Kreb Cycle reactions occur in the cytoplasm or mitochondria of the cell?
  17. What are isomers? List two (2) isomers each found in Glycolysis and Kreb Cycle?
  18. How many ATPs can be generated from one (1) Kreb Cycle?
  19. How many ATPs can be generated in the Kreb Cycle from one (1) molecule of glucose?

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