What are some of the rules of the American Mafia? How do they differ from the rules of society? What if you were to structure an organized crime organization, what would it look like? Be specific and give examples. Support your thoughts.

Sample Solution

The American Mafia, also known as La Cosa Nostra, is an organized criminal fraternity with a strict set of rules and regulations which all its members must adhere to. These include codes such as “omertà” – the requirement for absolute silence on all matters related to business activities or those they associate with; avoiding involvement in any illegal activities that could bring unwanted attention from law enforcement; and respect for rank and hierarchy within their organization. The last rule is especially important, as it outlines clear expectations around how each individual should relate to each other both inside and outside of their group; this includes avoiding actions which could be seen as disrespectful towards higher-ranking members or violating someone else’s territory without permission – things that often lead to serious consequences if broken.

Sample Solution

The American Mafia, also known as La Cosa Nostra, is an organized criminal fraternity with a strict set of rules and regulations which all its members must adhere to. These include codes such as “omertà” – the requirement for absolute silence on all matters related to business activities or those they associate with; avoiding involvement in any illegal activities that could bring unwanted attention from law enforcement; and respect for rank and hierarchy within their organization. The last rule is especially important, as it outlines clear expectations around how each individual should relate to each other both inside and outside of their group; this includes avoiding actions which could be seen as disrespectful towards higher-ranking members or violating someone else’s territory without permission – things that often lead to serious consequences if broken.

These rules differ significantly from those of mainstream society in many ways due mostly because they attempt to uphold what the American Mafia believes are the ideals that will ensure their own survival amidst the chaotic environment these criminals operate in: whereas most societies promote laws intended to protect citizens from harm (such as prohibiting murder) or damage being done by individuals acting alone (like stealing); organized crime groups focus instead on maintaining order amongst themselves through unwavering loyalty, obedience, and secrecy so that whatever business deals they engage in goes unseen by outside entities.

If I were to structure my own organized crime organization, it would look something like this: 1) All parties involved must swear complete allegiance and dedication towards our cause no matter the cost; 2) Greed is discouraged while helping out one another is encouraged at all times; 3) Violence should only be used when absolutely necessary – excessive force is highly frowned upon here; 4) Respect must always be shown towards superiors regardless of circumstances (or face severe punishment); 5) Any information obtained during operations must never be shared with anyone outside our circle under penalty death – nobody can know who we are or what we do at any time. Additionally, 6) Our group shall show no mercy against those who have wronged us either directly or indirectly before making sure appropriate retribution has been served. Finally 7), everyone agrees to abide by these terms willingly or else faces expulsion from our ranks with no hope for re-entry ever again.

These rules are designed not only for self-preservation but also uphold a certain level of morality which constitutes acceptable behaviour within our group – something I believe is key when running a successful enterprise like ours where trustworthiness between partners plays an integral role in ensuring everything runs smoothly over time.

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