Choose a digital political campaign – it can be an election campaign (example- recent elections in the UK) or a social-political campaign (Ex. Pro/Anti-gun control campaigns in the US).
Research it and answer the following questions:

  1. What was the role of big Tech-companies (Facebook/Google/Twitter or others you might find) in the campaign?
    If there was no involvement, what meaningful role they could have played according to the material we learned in class?
  2. Was there any use of digital communities (on Facebook, WhatsApp, or other platforms) as part of the campaign? If yes, how?
    If no, how and why would you use digital communities to support this campaign according to the material learned in class?
  3. Present and analyze 2 ads according to:
    What identities /personality traits are targeted?
    What psychological biases and/or heuristics are used?
    What are the ads’ goals?
    What is the target group?
    Is there a context?
    Evaluate the ads effectiveness according to the model learned in class – was the right platform chosen? was there an effective use of text, images and ongoing operation?
    Was it reflected through the ads’ engagement? (likes, shares, comments)

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