A Watch the following video to learn how to access NVCC’s library databases to find peer reviewed journals. What in the world does peer-reviewed mean? What is a peer-reviewed journal? Listen to Jenna’s excellent explanation! https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=RV21xrJ9BNk

  1. Now, click on this link to help you find a peer-reviewed journal article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG-6_PrizRM
  2. Alter watching, think about something you’re interested in studying further in psychology. Type in some keywords like “child development and daycare” or “applied behavior analysis and autism” or “depression and elderly patients” or “college student success” or whatever YOU’RE interested in! If you’re too broad, you’ll get a lot of articles. If you’re too narrow, you might get too few. There’s no real magic answer except that you have to use keywords that are most likely to bring you to your area of interest.
  3. Once you’ve found the right combination, read the abstracts (short summaries of the article) that you find interesting.



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