Public Administrators of the 21st century face many governing challenges. In order to explore in
more depth one potential challenge for public administrators, students will research and complete
an assignment focusing on a growing challenge. Students will identify and research a particular
issue or challenge confronting public administrators. Students will apply their knowledge
of best practices in public administration and management by suggesting recommendations for
how to address those challenges via scholarship. Practitioners need to hone skills in research,
evaluation, and application of knowledge to develop enhanced critical thinking and problem
solving in the field.

You will write an 8-page research-based paper that focuses on a challenge to public
administrators governing in the 21st century. Possible topics include:

1. governing in a federalist system

2. meeting mandates from the federal or state government

3. developing performance measures

4. transparency

5. budgeting in economic recessions and beyond

6. public-private partnerships

Students may pick another topic if the instructor approves of the topic. In research and preparing
the paper, students will draw on experience if applicable and theory presented in this class and in
their course work in the major.

The paper must include at least 7-9 reference(s) that are no older than 5 years old in
addition to the course textbooks and the Bible.
There is a 2,500-word word count.
Must be in current APA formatting
8 pages in length including a Works Cited page
Include a thesis statement or research question
Identify the background of the chosen topic
Describe specific challenges to governing for public administrators as it relates to this topic
Provide 3 or more recommendations on how to alleviate or confront the challenge using scholarship and practice
Draw a conclusion that addresses the thesis statement or attempts to answer the research question.

Chosen Topic: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Infrastructure Development


Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as a strategy for delivering public infrastructure projects. By combining the resources and expertise of both public and private sectors, PPPs can help to address infrastructure deficits and improve public services. However, PPPs also present unique challenges for public administrators.

Chosen Topic: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Infrastructure Development


Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as a strategy for delivering public infrastructure projects. By combining the resources and expertise of both public and private sectors, PPPs can help to address infrastructure deficits and improve public services. However, PPPs also present unique challenges for public administrators.


PPPs have been used for centuries to finance and deliver public infrastructure projects. However, the modern concept of PPPs has evolved significantly in recent decades, with governments increasingly relying on private sector involvement to fund and manage infrastructure projects.

Challenges for Public Administrators

  • Risk Allocation: One of the key challenges in PPPs is the allocation of risks between the public and private sectors. Public administrators must carefully consider the risks involved in each project and allocate them in a way that is fair and equitable.
  • Contract Negotiation: Negotiating complex PPP contracts can be challenging, as it requires a deep understanding of both public and private sector interests. Public administrators must be skilled negotiators to ensure that PPPs are structured in a way that benefits the public.
  • Performance Monitoring: Once a PPP is in place, public administrators must monitor the performance of the private sector partner to ensure that they are meeting their contractual obligations. This requires effective performance measurement and evaluation systems.
  • Public Accountability: Public administrators must be accountable to the public for the success or failure of PPPs. This can be challenging, as PPPs can be complex and difficult to understand.


  1. Develop Strong Governance Structures: Public administrators should establish clear governance structures for PPPs, including roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes. This will help to ensure that PPPs are managed effectively and transparently.
  2. Invest in Capacity Building: Public administrators should invest in capacity building to develop the skills and expertise needed to manage PPPs effectively. This may include training on contract negotiation, risk management, and performance monitoring.
  3. Enhance Transparency and Accountability: Public administrators should be transparent about the terms and conditions of PPPs, and ensure that there are mechanisms for public accountability. This can help to build trust and confidence in the PPP process.


Public-private partnerships offer a promising approach to addressing infrastructure deficits and improving public services. However, public administrators must be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage PPPs effectively. By developing strong governance structures, investing in capacity building, and enhancing transparency and accountability, public administrators can ensure that PPPs are successful and benefit the public.

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