Explore social/political/economic issue and further investigate. This information will be used in your Social Awareness and Responsibility project.
The social/political/economic issue is Racial inequality
Now find a minimum of 3 sources that will guide your social issue project.
Provide the link and a short summary of what you learned from that particular source.
Some of the questions you might want to consider are:
What social/economic/political issue are you going to use to inspire your social responsibility artwork?
How are you going to bring awareness to the social issue in your artwork?
Why did you choose this social/economic/political topic?




Sample Solution

Source #1: The US Census Bureau – “The Racial Inequalities Gap in the United States”
This source provides an overview of racial disparities within the United States across a range of areas such as median household income, poverty rate, educational attainment level, employment rate and home ownership. It also highlights how these differences have changed over time and offers insight into what factors have contributed to this inequality. This report will be useful for my project as it provides a comprehensive look at existing racial disparities in society and can help inform artwork that is focused on bringing awareness to this issue.

Sample Solution

Source #1: The US Census Bureau – “The Racial Inequalities Gap in the United States”
This source provides an overview of racial disparities within the United States across a range of areas such as median household income, poverty rate, educational attainment level, employment rate and home ownership. It also highlights how these differences have changed over time and offers insight into what factors have contributed to this inequality. This report will be useful for my project as it provides a comprehensive look at existing racial disparities in society and can help inform artwork that is focused on bringing awareness to this issue.

Source #2: The Guardian article – “Inequality Is Structural Racism On An Industrial Scale”
This source focuses on how structural racism has led to disparities between White Americans and people of color by looking at laws passed throughout history which promoted discriminatory practices such as redlining or Jim Crow Laws. It shows how policies enacted during slavery still continue to create institutionalized forms of racism which disproportionately affect minority communities today. This piece will be helpful for my project because it gives examples from history which I can use when creating artwork which illustrates the long-term effects of racism throughout society and how they are still felt today.

Source #3: Pew Research Center article – “How Unequal Are We? Examining The State Of Racial Disparities In Nine Areas”
This source looks at nine different aspects of life including education, wealth, health insurance coverage and criminal justice system involvement and compares them across race groups within the United States. It then goes on to discuss potential reasons behind these inequalities while exploring what individuals are doing to close gaps between Whites and people of color in certain fields or professions. This piece will be important for my project because it provides detailed data about existing inequalities along with possible solutions so that I can use this information when creating artworks focused on highlighting racial disparities

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