How has learning the facts about our political system changed your views on it? What do you think our political system does well and where are we failing to live up to our ideals? How did the results of the 2020 election impact your faith/trust in the federal government system? What do you think the 2024 election will show? (NOTE- it is okay to use the 1st person in this answer as I am asking about your personal experience/opinion).


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Title: Reflections on the Political System: Past, Present, and Future


As I delved deeper into understanding the intricacies of our political system, my views underwent a transformation shaped by newfound insights and critical analysis. This essay explores the evolution of my perspectives on the political landscape, highlighting areas of success and failure within our system. Furthermore, it delves into the impact of the 2020 election results on my trust in the federal government and offers reflections on what the 2024 election might unveil.

Changing Views on the Political System

Learning about the facts and inner workings of our political system has been an eye-opening journey that has led me to appreciate both its strengths and shortcomings. Understanding the checks and balances, the role of different branches of government, and the power dynamics at play has provided me with a nuanced perspective on how decisions are made and policies formulated.

Strengths and Failures of Our Political System

Our political system excels in its foundation of democratic principles, providing avenues for civic engagement, free expression, and peaceful transitions of power. The system’s ability to adapt to changing societal needs through legislation and policy-making is commendable. However, where we fall short is in partisan gridlock, polarization, and the influence of money in politics, which often hinder progress and impede the will of the people from being fully realized.

Impact of the 2020 Election Results

The results of the 2020 election served as a pivotal moment that both reaffirmed and challenged my faith in the federal government system. Witnessing record voter turnout, the resilience of democratic institutions, and the peaceful transfer of power amidst unprecedented challenges bolstered my confidence in the system’s ability to weather storms. However, the post-election controversies and polarization underscored the deep divisions that exist within our society and highlighted the work needed to bridge these gaps.

Anticipating the 2024 Election

Looking ahead to the 2024 election, I believe it will be a critical juncture that reflects the evolving dynamics of our political landscape. The election is likely to showcase heightened political engagement, debates on key issues such as healthcare, climate change, and social justice, and a reevaluation of leadership qualities that resonate with a diverse electorate. Moreover, the 2024 election may serve as a litmus test for the resilience of our democracy and its capacity to uphold democratic values amidst ongoing challenges.


In conclusion, my journey of exploring our political system has instilled in me a deeper appreciation for its complexities, strengths, and areas in need of improvement. The 2020 election outcomes reinforced my belief in the resilience of our democratic institutions while also highlighting the fractures that require healing. As we look towards the 2024 election, I remain hopeful that it will serve as a platform for progress, unity, and a reaffirmation of democratic ideals that form the bedrock of our nation.



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