AIM: The goal is for students to conduct scholarly research and increase knowledge and
understanding of one specific research based strategy for improving outcomes for
students with disabilities in mathematics.
Students will write a 7 double-spaced paper to describe the strategy, summarize
research and integrate data to create a convincing argument for the established ‘efficacy’
of the strategy reviewed. The paper will include student’s own position/critique of the
strategy for applicability with students with disabilities. Students will be encouraged to
implement their chosen strategy into their classrooms and reflect on its implementation
and outcomes.
Criteria Maximum
Selection of strategy,
description of strategy
20 points Paper pertains to one specific research
based strategy, with a brief description
of the core features and the purpose of
the strategy (what domain or skills does
the strategy target to improve?)
Research references 30 points Research references are credible (peer
reviewed research articles, or course
text book) and clearly and accurately
cited in the text of the paper.
Adequate description of
research design/methodology
of studies reviewed
(at least 4 specific studies to
be reported)
30 points Description of each study includes
statement of design used, sample,
setting, and other relevant study
procedure/implementation details.
Understanding of evidence
based strategies
50 points Paper reflects high “teacher-asresearcher”
thinking. Demonstrates
knowledge of ‘evidence’ in support of
establishing efficacy of the strategy.
Paper presents clear functional/causal
data to highlight the efficacy of the
strategy, with examples of supporting
empirical data ( e.g. mean scores, PND,
slope analysis, ES) as provided in the
research article.
Summary of research findings
provide clear, convincing
support for the efficacy of the
50 points Results are interpreted sufficiently well
to support an overall efficacy claim for
the strategy.
Refer to some of the key variables
studied by the author(s) and the
findings of the study (e.g. Who was the
strategy most effective for, when and
how was it used, what were the most
important results/desirable outcomes
of the effectiveness of the strategy, what
was the strategy not effective for, what
are the author(s)’ conclusions in
support of the strategy, did they identify
any limitations in the use of the
Scholarly writing and
organization of paper
40 points The information/evidence from the
different studies is seamlessly
integrated in the paper to support the
evidence based strategy and
demonstrate thorough understanding of
the strategy researched; i.e. well
organized for flow of thought and
consistency of information.
Grammatical style, spelling, writing
conventions (use of consistent tense)
are adequate. Quotes and authors are
adequately cited.
Person first terminology is followed and
skills/needs are defined from a
strengths perspective.
Few mechanical errors are acceptable
but please make best effort to see the
journal review samples provided for
depth of ‘research-based’ writing
Connections to field
40 points Integrated connection to field
observations – make thoughtful/
reflective comments on the feasibility/
usefulness of the strategy in a real
classroom/teaching setting.
If strategy was not observe, comment
on how the strategy can be used in the
setting to increase instructional efficacy
at the observation site.
Reference List 40 points References cited in the paper are
included in the reference list and APA
reference style is followed with minor
edits needed.