A 58-year-old man comes to the office because of shortness of breath. He has experienced mild dyspnea
on exertion for a few years, but more recently he has noted worsening shortness of breath with minimal
exercise and the onset of dyspnea at rest. He has difficulty reclining and has been sleeping in his recliner
for the past month. He has noted a cough with yellowish-brown sputum for the past few months in the AM.
He denies chest pain, fever, chills or lower extremity edema. He was evaluated at an urgent care center a
few months ago and was given an inhaler and referred to a primary care provider. He does not recall the
name of the inhaler and has used it only intermittently.
PMH: “prediabetic”- treated with diet and exercise (walking)
Erectile dysfunction- takes Viagra prn
Basal cell carcinoma-side of left nose- treated with Mohs procedure- 5 years ago
Blepharitis and early cataract formation

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