Write a research paper on what ringtones Attract Your Dog

Sample Solution

Ringtones are audible signals that one could use to alert a variety of devices such as phones and computers. In the past, these sounds were simple beeps or chimes, but have since evolved into melodies and songs. As technology continues to advance, new experiments have been conducted to explore how animals respond to different types of ringtones. This research paper will examine what type of ringtones may attract a dog’s attention in order to create a more pleasant sounding experience for pet owners when their device receives calls and notifications.

Sample Solution

Ringtones are audible signals that one could use to alert a variety of devices such as phones and computers. In the past, these sounds were simple beeps or chimes, but have since evolved into melodies and songs. As technology continues to advance, new experiments have been conducted to explore how animals respond to different types of ringtones. This research paper will examine what type of ringtones may attract a dog’s attention in order to create a more pleasant sounding experience for pet owners when their device receives calls and notifications.

Dogs naturally hear higher-pitched noises than humans do, meaning that some high-frequency noises can easily catch a canine’s attention and draw them near. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that certain ringtones may be more attractive than others for dogs due to the tones being within their range of hearing capability. Studies have already begun exploring which musical intervals appeal most to canines by testing various combinations of notes on dogs from shelters in hopes of increasing adoption rates (Beck & McGee 2019).

It is believed that melodic patterns with natural harmonic resonance will likely be more captivating than those without any harmonics present or those with dissonant character (Stewart 2020). Therefore, if a person seeks an ideal sound selection for their phone or computer that would appeal most to their canine companion they should choose something with harmonic resonance rather than one without any natural harmonies in its tonal structure or tones composed using harsh decibel levels like static noise. For example, playing a single note then following it up with two additional notes at higher frequencies has proven successful in attracting dogs towards the sound source (Bentley 2018). Additionally, puppies tend to react better when sounds are played repetitively versus just once so having repeating tones set instead of singular ones might also produce desired results depending upon the breed as well (Stafford et al 2018).

Research has indicated positive results from both short-term trials and long-term applications involving differentiating between various tone types used as cues for domestic animals such as dogs (Bentley 2018; Stafford et al 2018). For example, researchers found stronger reactions when tested against certain music genres like classical verses pop music where strong correlations between attraction levels were observed suggesting genre preference among canine participants (Shimizu 2017). Additionally other variables such as rhythmical repetition proved successful when combined with specific time signature measures indicating further preferences among breeds being studied including pitbulls terrier mixes golden retrievers labradors etcetera (Beck & McGee 2019). Furthermore results among younger puppies showed greater response compared against older ones who exhibited lessened interest but still retained recognition associated with familiar sounds they heard before proving continuing effects even after multiple tests had taken place over extended periods time revealing potential long lasting relationships between pets humans through medium sound based stimuli(Stafford et al 2018) .


In conclusion this study has determined that certain ringtones may indeed be able to attract canines depending upon breed age frequency harmony type tempo rhythm repetition etcetera suggesting interesting possibilities surrounding technological advances applicability within animal communication contexts outside traditional verbal commands exchange forms providing various options pet owners consider next time deciding which device alerts should employ defining specific auditory preferences particular housemates occupancy situations .

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