When should political leaders not follow public opinion, and why? Provide a detailed explanation of your answer using examples.

Sample Solution

Political leaders should not always follow public opinion as it can lead to a variety of unintended consequences. Political leaders must use their expertise, knowledge, and understanding of the issues at hand to make decisions that are in the best interest of the public and the country. For example, if a leader decides to go against popular opinion on an issue based on his or her own personal convictions or beliefs, this could have serious implications for both the people they represent and their own political future.


Sample Solution

Political leaders should not always follow public opinion as it can lead to a variety of unintended consequences. Political leaders must use their expertise, knowledge, and understanding of the issues at hand to make decisions that are in the best interest of the public and the country. For example, if a leader decides to go against popular opinion on an issue based on his or her own personal convictions or beliefs, this could have serious implications for both the people they represent and their own political future.


For instance, when President Lyndon Johnson decided to sign into law civil rights legislation even though there was strong opposition from many members of Congress at the time, he risked losing support from his party base but ultimately knew it was in the best interest of all Americans regardless of race or gender. Similarly, when President Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq despite public opinion polling showing majority disapproval for such action by voters across America he made decision solely based off what thought would benefit United States longterm rather than simply trying appease those who disagreed with him shortsightedly.

In addition to facing potential backlash for going against public opinion on certain issues, there is also risk being labeled as “unpopular” among constituents which can hurt chances reelection campaign especially if opponent running same election seems more favorable amongst population due taking position aligns more closely with general consensus state things currently stand. This why it important elected officials take note feedback given them carefully weighing pros cons each scenario discussing thoroughly amongst staff before making any final decisions; because while occasional instance may arise where going against grain deemed appropriate case basis circumstances most times better serve citizens sticking original plan course even if means living little bit danger politically speaking end day knowing did right thing thank enough reward itself so don’t let fear failure stop pushing forward order reach ultimate goal success!

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