1. Consider simulating realisations of
    X Geo ~ (0.3)
    via Markov Chain
    Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
    Initially, use a discrete uniform random variable with domain
    as the proposal distribution. (This gives
    qi j 
    for all
    i j , {0,1,2,…,19} 
    ( ) q P X j X i i j p    . Start at
    x  1.
    Run the Markov Chain for at least 10000 transitions. Discard the first
    2000 as the burn in period. Regard the remaining ones as your samples
    from the distribution of X. (For a rejected proposed
    th n
    transition, simply
    record the
    th n
    sample as equal to the
    ( 1)th n  .)
    i) Use your simulated samples of X to calculate an estimate of
    E X( ).
    ii) Calculate your acceptance rate. That is, calculate the proportion of
    proposed moves accepted by the algorithm.
    iii) Even after applying the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, why is this
    proposal distribution not able to produce unbiased realisations
    from the distribution of X?
    iv) Suggest a possible proposal distribution (other than X itself) which
    would be appropriate to generate realisations of
    X Geo ~ (0.3).
    Include any parameters needed to define the distribution exactly
    (e.g. a Binomial distribution requires two parameters.)
    v) Suggest a possible distribution (other than the proposal
    distribution itself) for which a discrete uniform random variable
    with domain
    would be an appropriate proposal
    distribution for MCMC methods. Include any parameters needed
    to define the distribution exactly.
    Note: The Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probabilities for a discrete
    distribution are given by
    ( )
    min 1,
    ( )
    p j i
    i j
    P x q
    P x q
         
               
  2. Consider sampling realisations of Y from a probability density function
     
    ( ) 3 sin(5 ) sin(2 ) sin(7 ) y
    f y Ke y y y 
       
    for some normalising constant
    K (i.e. such that
     
     
    3 sin(5 ) sin(2 ) sin(7 )
    ( )
    3 sin(5 ) sin(2 ) sin(7 )
    e y y y
    f y
    e t t t dt


     
    Using a normal distribution
    ( ) ~ ( ,1.2 ) g y y N y p
    as the proposal
    distribution, run the Markov Chain for at least 10000 transitions. Discard
    the first 2000 as the burn in period. Regard the remaining ones as your
    samples from the distribution of Y. (For a rejected proposed
    th n
    simply record the
    th n
    sample as equal to the
    ( 1)th n  .)

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