
Is it possible to categorize any other effects of air pollution in Mexico City? Your goal should be to try to organize your information into three or four main points, if possible, so it can be presented to the reader clearly and concisely. If you were to write an essay about the effects of air pollution in Mexico, what are the three or four main categories that you would include? List them in the following spaces.
1. 2. 3. (4.) Other points to remember when writing a Cause or Effect essay are as follows:

3. Support all causes or effects with supporting details. If you believe, for example, that an important effect of air pollution in Mexico City is a lower quality of life for the city’s residents, state your point clearly at the beginning of a paragraph and then provide support to help your reader understand how or why that is true. And cite your work using MLA format.

4. Have a rationale for the order in which you present your information. There is often one major cause or effect that is most important. Some sources recommend that you save your most important cause or effect until last. By saving your most important cause or effect until last, they say, you leave your reader with a very strong impression. Others say to start with the most important cause or effect because that helps capture your readers’ attention. In reality, there is no single, best answer for the order of major causes or effects. Experiment, and develop your own rationale for the order in which you present your information.

5. Finally, maintain your focus. In a short cause or effect essay of 350-400 words, limit the range of your topic to either the causes or effects of something. A cause or effect essay doesn’t recommend how to change the situation or give opinions about why the situation is good or bad. It simply examines the reasons for it.
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