Staffing and training are crucial roles of the human resource management that have a huge bearing on the performance of every organization. As Joyce (2012) notes, the workforce or the human resource, is identified as the most crucial resource, and so is the driver and the determinant of the success of every given entity. Based on this imperative truth, almost all organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, have sought to have the best human resource by optimizing on staffing and training processes. As this paper proceeds to critically analyze, there is a deep connection between the historical criminal justice organizational theories and the efficiency of the staffing and training procedures, as far as the mundane roles of the human resource are concerned.

Several theories related to the principles of management that can be crucial in the processes of staffing and training in the criminal justice system, can be identified. For instance, the Contingency theory postulates that organizations must be able to understand the uncertainties that are likely to face it in its environment, in order to select, recruit, and train workers who are fit for the challenge (O’Connor, 2013). On the other hand, the Expectancy theory points out that all workers always expect the existence of a positive correlation between their level of performance and reward given. This particular theory emphasizes on the need to motivate employees to optimize their performance (O’Connor, 2013).  The managerial Grid has also been popular as a theory being applied in evaluating the fitness of employees to various managerial posts. It defines five different styles of leadership, which are based on concern for people, and for production (O’Connor, 2013). The application of these theories in the staffing and training processes in criminal justice system can be a positive step towards ensuring employee performance, and the overall successful realization of the organization’s goals.



O’Connor, T.  (2013). Foundations of Organizational Theory. MegaLinks in Criminal Justice. Retrieved from

Joyce, P. (2012). Criminal Justice : An Introduction. New York: Routledge.

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