Create a descriiptive statistics table and histogram for selected variables in a dataset. Write a 2-3 page narrative summary in a Word document and insert the
table and histogram graphic into this document. Nursing home administration has the objectives of higher utilization, higher patient satisfaction, and lower
readmissions, and they need to make a decision on whether to retain the department manager based on average performance over the past 70 months. For
this assessment, create a descriiptive statistics table and histogram based on the attachment Assessment 1 Dataset. Write a narrative summary in a Word
document and insert the table and histogram graphic into this document. Submit both the Word document and the Excel file that shows the descriiptive
statistics output.
Perform the appropriate descriiptive statistics for selected variables in a dataset. Ensure the table is complete, follows the correct format, is well
constructed, and is easy to read. Create a histogram that visually depicts the distribution of selected variables in a dataset. Ensure the histogram is accurate,
well constructed, and easy to interpret. Interpret statistical results used in the data analysis. Ensure the interpretation is complete, provides a perceptive and
clearly articulated conclusion, and includes an assessment of caveats and limitations. Write a scholarly narrative summary of the results that includes
practical, administration-related implications of the descriiptive statistics.

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