Create a document showcasing your analysis of three TED talks and presenting a list of 10 qualities, techniques and/or presentation skills that made the presentations you watched inspiring, captivating, creative and effective (from your own perspective). The document should include an analysis and images for each TED Talk.


Research and watch a minimum of three (3) different TED Talks ( to answer the question, “What makes a presentation effective, creative, captivating, and/or inspiring?” You can choose any TED Talk you want, paying special attention to how the message is crafted and communicated.

Consider the questions below while watching the TED Talks you chose. These will serve as the basis for your assignment outlined in Step 2. Take notes while you watch. Focus on the speaker’s public-speaking skills, as well as the actual presentation materials (slide design, props, visuals, etc.).

Why was this presentation powerful or moving?
Why did you like this presentation? Was it the content alone, or was it how the speaker delivered the content?
What made the content appealing? What made it relatable?
How did the speaker draw you in to care about the subject/topic?
What did you get out of the presentation that you would not have experienced reading an article about the topic?
What kinds of emotions did the presenter elicit? How did they do this?


Create a document for this assignment and include supporting images. Using the questions outlined in Step 1 as a guide, write an analysis of each of the TED Talks you watched. Each analysis should include specific examples of elements that contributed to a powerful presentation or that weakened the presentation. Explain what worked and what did not.


Conclude your assignment with one comprehensive list of ten (10) qualities, techniques, and/or presentation skills that made the presentations you watched inspiring, captivating, creative, and effective (from your own perspective).

Provide specific examples from the presentations to support your claim and explain why these elements contributed to a powerful presentation. How are these similar or different from what you have read? Consider the practices that were common among the speakers in all of the videos you watched.

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