For their 125th anniversary issue, National Geographic (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. magazine visualized how Americans would look in the year 2050. In a much earlier Time Magazine (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. cover, an ideal prototype was also visualized for a special issue. How would Ian F. Haney-Lopez (“The Social Construction of Race”) and Catherine A. Lutz and Jane L. Collins (“The Color of Sex: Postwar Photographic Histories of Race and Sex”) respond to these claims and assumptions about race, nation, biology, and identity? Critical Reading: Accurate and concise summary of the assigned texts for the prompt, in addition to an overview of the popular culture example. Limit this to two paragraphs – -5 sentences minimum for each paragraph. Extended Discussion of Evidence: Clear discussion on how the assigned texts offer a critical dialogue about the popular culture example. – 4 paragraph minimum. Overall Structure and Organization: Paragraphs are well organized (i.e. topic sentences), structures and coherent. Writing is clear and concise. Overall Mechanics: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Accurate in-text citations (with page #) if needed.

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