Is Beauty disappearing from the world? Essay Guidance: read the materials for Week 10 of the course. The question is a reference to the work of Roger Scruton. You should also consider how other philosophers reflect on beauty e.g. Plato and David Hume.


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The Concept of Beauty in Philosophy: A Critical Examination


The question of whether beauty is disappearing from the world invokes a profound philosophical discourse on aesthetics and the perception of beauty. Drawing insights from the works of philosophers such as Roger Scruton, Plato, and David Hume, this essay aims to explore the evolving notion of beauty and its significance in contemporary society.

Roger Scruton’s Perspective

Roger Scruton, a prominent philosopher, delves into the concept of beauty as a transcendental value that shapes our perception of the world. Scruton argues that beauty is not merely subjective but holds an objective reality that enriches human experience. In today’s fast-paced and materialistic world, Scruton’s concern about the erosion of beauty resonates with the commodification of aesthetics and the loss of genuine appreciation for the sublime.

Plato’s Theory of Forms

Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, introduced the theory of Forms, positing that beauty is an ideal, transcendent form that exists independently of physical manifestations. According to Plato, beauty is eternal and immutable, serving as a source of inspiration and aspiration for humanity. In the contemporary context, Plato’s emphasis on the enduring nature of beauty prompts reflection on whether modern society adequately values timeless aesthetic principles.

David Hume’s Empirical Philosophy

David Hume, a Scottish philosopher, offered a contrasting view on beauty by emphasizing subjective sentiment and individual perception. Hume’s empirical approach suggests that beauty is contingent upon personal experiences and cultural contexts, leading to diverse interpretations and preferences. In the context of the question posed, Hume’s perspective raises questions about the fluidity of beauty standards and the impact of cultural shifts on aesthetic values.

Reflection on Contemporary Beauty

In the digital age characterized by instant gratification and virtual realities, the notion of beauty undergoes constant redefinition and reinterpretation. The proliferation of social media platforms and mass consumerism has both democratized and diluted the concept of beauty, blurring the lines between authenticity and artifice. The pursuit of perfection and superficial ideals often overshadow genuine expressions of beauty grounded in authenticity and depth.


In conclusion, the question of whether beauty is disappearing from the world prompts a philosophical inquiry into the essence of aesthetics and its evolving significance. Through the perspectives of philosophers like Roger Scruton, Plato, and David Hume, we navigate the complexities of beauty as a multifaceted concept that transcends temporal boundaries. As we navigate the nuances of contemporary beauty standards, it is imperative to reflect on the enduring values of beauty that enrich our lives and connect us to the sublime aspects of existence. Beauty may not be disappearing from the world but rather undergoing a metamorphosis that challenges us to rediscover its essence in a rapidly changing landscape.

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