Access the Crime Mapping website listed in this module’s Learning Resources.
Explore the capabilities of this tool by selecting several major cities where crime rates are likely to be higher.
Select one city, 2–3 crimes, and a 7-day time frame.

(Note: Not all cities in the United States report crime data to this site, so you may need to try more than one city.)
Save a screenshot of the map that is created by your selection.

Upload a copy of the map screenshot you saved in your search. Discuss the city chosen, 2–3 of the highest crime occurrences, and whether the crimes you selected seem to be grouped closely together or spread out. Explain how law enforcement might use this type of technology. Specifically identify how this technology may be used to prevent crime.



Sample Solution

The city I chose for my search was Los Angeles, California. The two crimes I selected were Homicide and Robbery, both of which displayed fairly high occurrences over the 7-day time frame searched. As seen in the map screenshot saved, most of these incidents appeared to be spread out throughout the city but with some very small clusters in certain neighborhoods.

Sample Solution

The city I chose for my search was Los Angeles, California. The two crimes I selected were Homicide and Robbery, both of which displayed fairly high occurrences over the 7-day time frame searched. As seen in the map screenshot saved, most of these incidents appeared to be spread out throughout the city but with some very small clusters in certain neighborhoods.

Law enforcement could use this type of technology to their advantage by targeting more heavily policed areas where crime is more likely to occur as well as identifying where resources should be allocated for prevention efforts such as increased patrols or community outreach programs. This type of mapping also allows law enforcement to identify potential “hot spots” or areas that may need additional attention from patrol officers when it comes to preventing crime before it occurs. For example, if a particular area appears to have higher than average rates of robbery and burglary then police can focus their resources on that area in order to prevent further incidents from occurring or deter those responsible from committing similar offenses elsewhere in the city.

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