Watch the documentary and write an essay
o The End of Poverty ( on modern ongoing colonization
Oregon law that allows physician-assisted suicide



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Essay on the Documentary “The End of Poverty”


The documentary “The End of Poverty” offers a compelling exploration of modern ongoing colonization and its impact on global poverty. This essay will delve into the key takeaways of the documentary, discussing both its strengths and weaknesses.

Documentary Summary

“The End of Poverty” delves into the structural inequalities and power dynamics that perpetuate poverty on a global scale. The film examines the historical roots of colonization, imperialism, and economic exploitation that have contributed to the stark disparities between the Global North and the Global South. Through interviews with experts and individuals affected by poverty, the documentary sheds light on the systemic injustices that continue to marginalize communities worldwide.

The film highlights the need for systemic change, economic justice, and decolonization to address the root causes of poverty and create a more equitable global society.

Critical Debate: The Upsides

1. Exposing Structural Injustices: The documentary effectively exposes the structural injustices embedded in the global economic system, challenging viewers to confront the legacy of colonialism and exploitation that underpins poverty.

2. Advocating for Systemic Change: By advocating for systemic reforms and economic policies that prioritize equity and justice, the film encourages viewers to consider alternative models for addressing poverty and inequality.

Critical Debate: The Downsides

1. Simplistic Solutions: While “The End of Poverty” effectively critiques existing power structures, it may oversimplify the complex interplay of factors contributing to poverty. Addressing poverty requires multifaceted approaches that go beyond critiquing colonization and imperialism.

2. Limited Engagement with Solutions: The documentary primarily focuses on diagnosing the problem of poverty without delving deeply into actionable solutions or uplifting grassroots movements that are actively working to combat poverty at the community level.


In conclusion, “The End of Poverty” serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of colonization and exploitation in shaping global economic systems. While the documentary effectively raises awareness about systemic injustices and challenges viewers to rethink their perspectives on poverty, it could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of solutions and grassroots efforts driving change. Overall, the film sparks important conversations about economic justice, decolonization, and collective action in addressing poverty on a global scale.



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