Choose exactly four of the following questions, and answer each chosen item with a paragraph that addresses
the question directly and explains the subject meaningfully. Keep in mind that when you mention any term or
concept that is not common knowledge, you must explain what it means. You are free to look up information
from anywhere you choose, but there is to be no copying of sentences from any published or online source, or
any collaboration between students in the writing of these answers. Read all questions very carefully.

  1. If you wanted to know what percentage of Americans think the electoral college should be abolished, what
    would be the most valid way to find out?
  2. What practical effect did the 2010 Supreme Court ruling Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
    have on campaign finance laws? Which of the two major political parties was furious at the ruling, and why?
  3. In the presidential election process, what is the relationship between the popular vote and the electoral vote,
    and in that context, what is the definition of a battleground state?
  4. If, in a presidential election, the two major candidates were to get exactly the same number of electoral
    votes, what would be the method for choosing the president and the vice-president?
  5. In the twentieth century, there were two major changes in party loyalty involving race. What were those two
    major changes, and in what context did each of them take place?
  6. Which of the two major political parties would be more likely to support a bill in Congress that would create
    federally funded after-school recreation programs for low-income children, and how would that fit in with that
    party’s general vision and ideology?
  7. What is an example, by description, of an interest group using litigation to influence public policy? (Make
    sure you know what the word litigation means, looking it up if needed.)

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