1. 1
2. What is the foundation under the Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that created this home fall prevention checklist?

3. What type of person could this be utilized for? When could it be used?

4. What statistics are outlined in this booklet?

5. What is important regarding the floors in a home fall prevention assessment? How could this be applied in the nursing home setting, and why?

6. What is important regarding the stairs and steps section of the assessment? Go around the building and find all the stairs on the second floor. What is important about these doors/stairwells? How does that apply to the elderly population?

7. What is important about the kitchen in a home fall prevention checklist? Go observe the kitchen/serving area on your unit. Are there any safety concerns you have noticed? What is safe about the kitchen/serving area?

8. Observe a bathroom in a patient’s room and the spa room within the unit. Describe what safety items you see in place, what concerns you have, and why these safety interventions are important to this population.

9. Observe a patient’s room. Describe (or draw and submit the drawing) the room layout and how this applies to the patient’s safety. Is there adequate lighting? Why is adequate lighting important to in-room and fall safety?
10. Research and describe why medication safety is important in fall prevention (don’t forget your reference).

11. What other checklist items do you find important in fall prevention that can apply to this population within the nursing home setting? (List, 3, hint – proper footwear is one of them).

PART TWO: Complete the following questions at your clinical experience:
1. Discuss how you maintained a safe, effective care environment while caring for your clinical patient. Give at least 3 examples.
2. Describe one error (real or fiction) that would need to be reported promptly and what appropriate corrective actions should be taken.
3. Give one example of abnormal assessment data (real or fiction) that you would need to report to your instructor/primary nurse/charge nurse.
a. What appropriate corrective actions were taken (or would need to be taken) related to
the abnormal assessment data?
b. What complications could have occurred if the data was not reported and acted upon in
a timely manner?

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