The Habakkuk Outline/Analysis Paper: From a broad study of Habakkuk, create a paper that includes thefollowing items: [4-5 pages]. No Title page or Turabian formatting required. Create a heading for each of thefive parts of this paper. You should have five headings, no more, no less, in this paper. An outline of the book of Habakkuk (not an outline of your paper!): I. A. B. II. A. B. III. (etc). Thelength of your outline should be balanced with the rest of the paper. Single Space this part. Double spaceall the rest. A statement of the subject/theme of the book. This should be a single sentence that is followed by acouple of paragraphs supporting your choice of the subject. Your supporting material should be based ontexts you’ve discovered in Habakkuk. How is God’s sovereignty shown in the book [God’s role in the events]? Support this with teachingsfrom the Bible book. How is human effort shown in the book [Human responsibility and actions]? Support this with teachingsfrom the Bible book. Offer five spiritual applications from Habakkuk [answering the question, “What do I as a Christian takeaway that can help me in my walk with God? What spiritual lessons do I find?]. State each applicationand give brief evidence for that application from the contents of the book.



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