Telehealth is often used to deliver services to populations that otherwise would not receive them, however, there are barriers and downsides as well. For this discussion, post something to the discussion board related to telehealth or your Week 5 readings.

Present an argument for the use of telehealth for social work services. Use SummonLinks to an external site.2 in the Capella University LibraryLinks to an external site. to find a scholarly article to support your position.
Present an argument against the use of telehealth for social work services. Use SummonLinks to an external site.2 in the Capella University LibraryLinks to an external site. to find a scholarly article to support your position.
Share something from the readings that resonated with you. Discuss your experiences with this concept or how you can use this information in the future.

Sample solution

Dante Alighieri played a critical role in the literature world through his poem Divine Comedy that was written in the 14th century. The poem contains Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. The Inferno is a description of the nine circles of torment that are found on the earth. It depicts the realms of the people that have gone against the spiritual values and who, instead, have chosen bestial appetite, violence, or fraud and malice. The nine circles of hell are limbo, lust, gluttony, greed and wrath. Others are heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Dante’s Inferno in the perspective of its portrayal of God’s image and the justification of hell. 

In this epic poem, God is portrayed as a super being guilty of multiple weaknesses including being egotistic, unjust, and hypocritical. Dante, in this poem, depicts God as being more human than divine by challenging God’s omnipotence. Additionally, the manner in which Dante describes Hell is in full contradiction to the morals of God as written in the Bible. When god arranges Hell to flatter Himself, He commits egotism, a sin that is common among human beings (Cheney, 2016). The weakness is depicted in Limbo and on the Gate of Hell where, for instance, God sends those who do not worship Him to Hell. This implies that failure to worship Him is a sin.

God is also depicted as lacking justice in His actions thus removing the godly image. The injustice is portrayed by the manner in which the sodomites and opportunists are treated. The opportunists are subjected to banner chasing in their lives after death followed by being stung by insects and maggots. They are known to having done neither good nor bad during their lifetimes and, therefore, justice could have demanded that they be granted a neutral punishment having lived a neutral life. The sodomites are also punished unfairly by God when Brunetto Lattini is condemned to hell despite being a good leader (Babor, T. F., McGovern, T., & Robaina, K. (2017). While he commited sodomy, God chooses to ignore all the other good deeds that Brunetto did.

Finally, God is also portrayed as being hypocritical in His actions, a sin that further diminishes His godliness and makes Him more human. A case in point is when God condemns the sin of egotism and goes ahead to commit it repeatedly. Proverbs 29:23 states that “arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected.” When Slattery condemns Dante’s human state as being weak, doubtful, and limited, he is proving God’s hypocrisy because He is also human (Verdicchio, 2015). The actions of God in Hell as portrayed by Dante are inconsistent with the Biblical literature. Both Dante and God are prone to making mistakes, something common among human beings thus making God more human.

To wrap it up, Dante portrays God is more human since He commits the same sins that humans commit: egotism, hypocrisy, and injustice. Hell is justified as being a destination for victims of the mistakes committed by God. The Hell is presented as being a totally different place as compared to what is written about it in the Bible. As a result, reading through the text gives an image of God who is prone to the very mistakes common to humans thus ripping Him off His lofty status of divine and, instead, making Him a mere human. Whether or not Dante did it intentionally is subject to debate but one thing is clear in the poem: the misconstrued notion of God is revealed to future generations.



Babor, T. F., McGovern, T., & Robaina, K. (2017). Dante’s inferno: Seven deadly sins in scientific publishing and how to avoid them. Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, 267.

Cheney, L. D. G. (2016). Illustrations for Dante’s Inferno: A Comparative Study of Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro. Cultural and Religious Studies4(8), 487.

Verdicchio, M. (2015). Irony and Desire in Dante’s” Inferno” 27. Italica, 285-297.

Telehealth in Social Work: A Double-Edged Sword

Telehealth has emerged as a powerful tool for delivering social work services, particularly to underserved populations. However, it also presents challenges and limitations. This post will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of telehealth in social work, supported by scholarly research and personal reflections.

Argument for Telehealth in Social Work

Telehealth offers numerous benefits for social work practice. It can:

  • Increase access to care: For individuals in rural areas, those with mobility limitations, or those lacking transportation, telehealth can bridge the gap in service provision. This is particularly crucial for mental health services, where access is often limited (Myers et al., 2020).
  • Reduce stigma: Seeking mental health services can be stigmatizing. Telehealth can offer a more private and comfortable setting for clients to receive care, potentially reducing barriers to seeking help.
  • Enhance flexibility and convenience: Telehealth allows for greater flexibility in scheduling appointments, accommodating clients’ busy lives and potentially improving adherence to treatment.
  • Facilitate culturally competent services: Telehealth can enable social workers to connect with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds, even if they are geographically dispersed.

A study by Myers et al. (2020) found that telehealth interventions for depression and anxiety were as effective as in-person treatment, demonstrating the potential of telehealth to deliver high-quality mental health services.

Argument Against Telehealth in Social Work

Despite its advantages, telehealth also presents challenges:

  • Digital divide and equity: Not all clients have access to reliable internet or the necessary technology for telehealth, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities in access to care.
  • Confidentiality and privacy concerns: Ensuring client confidentiality and privacy in a virtual environment can be challenging, requiring careful consideration of security measures and ethical guidelines.

Telehealth in Social Work: A Double-Edged Sword

Telehealth has emerged as a powerful tool for delivering social work services, particularly to underserved populations. However, it also presents challenges and limitations. This post will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of telehealth in social work, supported by scholarly research and personal reflections.

Argument for Telehealth in Social Work

Telehealth offers numerous benefits for social work practice. It can:

  • Increase access to care: For individuals in rural areas, those with mobility limitations, or those lacking transportation, telehealth can bridge the gap in service provision. This is particularly crucial for mental health services, where access is often limited (Myers et al., 2020).
  • Reduce stigma: Seeking mental health services can be stigmatizing. Telehealth can offer a more private and comfortable setting for clients to receive care, potentially reducing barriers to seeking help.
  • Enhance flexibility and convenience: Telehealth allows for greater flexibility in scheduling appointments, accommodating clients’ busy lives and potentially improving adherence to treatment.
  • Facilitate culturally competent services: Telehealth can enable social workers to connect with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds, even if they are geographically dispersed.

A study by Myers et al. (2020) found that telehealth interventions for depression and anxiety were as effective as in-person treatment, demonstrating the potential of telehealth to deliver high-quality mental health services.

Argument Against Telehealth in Social Work

Despite its advantages, telehealth also presents challenges:

  • Digital divide and equity: Not all clients have access to reliable internet or the necessary technology for telehealth, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities in access to care.
  • Confidentiality and privacy concerns: Ensuring client confidentiality and privacy in a virtual environment can be challenging, requiring careful consideration of security measures and ethical guidelines.
  • Building rapport and therapeutic alliance: Establishing a strong therapeutic relationship can be more difficult in a virtual setting, as nonverbal cues may be missed, and the lack of physical presence can impact the connection between social worker and client.
  • Limitations in crisis intervention: Telehealth may not be suitable for all clients, particularly those in crisis situations requiring immediate in-person intervention.

Some researchers have expressed concerns about the potential for telehealth to widen the digital divide and exacerbate health disparities (Bashshur et al., 2016).


The concept of the digital divide resonated with me deeply. As someone who has witnessed firsthand the lack of access to technology in certain communities, I am concerned about the potential for telehealth to further marginalize those who are already disadvantaged. It is crucial for social workers to advocate for equitable access to technology and to develop strategies to bridge the digital divide.

In the future, I hope to integrate telehealth into my practice in a thoughtful and ethical manner, ensuring that it complements, rather than replaces, in-person services. I believe that telehealth can be a valuable tool for expanding access to care, but it is essential to remain mindful of its limitations and to prioritize the needs of our clients.

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