Learning Outcomes (LOs 1, 2, 3, 4).
Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1. Identify and evaluate models of health behaviour.
2. Engage with significant and emerging theories and research with regards to mental ill-health issues in professional practice.
3. Engage with significant and emerging theories and research with regards to enduring illness in professional practice.
4. Critically evaluate psychology of health in relation to self. Wounded healers.
The essay title can be randomly selected by the author and needs to provide brief detail of an illness (can be a fictitious character) that enables further specific focus for deeper exploration as outlined below: (The essay must incorporate an enduring mental health element as it is part of my FdA counselling degree). The core elements of this essay must include the following: Theorists and Theories 1. An overview and objectives 2. Applications of Health Psychology Models of Health Behaviour 1. Respondent and Operative Learning 2. Social Cognitive Theory 3. The Health Belief Model 4. The Theory of Reasoned Action 5. The Communication-Behaviour Change Model 6. The Precede-Proceed Model 7. Transtheoretical Model 8. Vicarious Responses / Wounded Healers / Emotional Labour The essay must also include consideration of Changing Health Behaviours through the following: Counselling Mental Health including: 1. Definition of Mental Health 2. Holistic Model of Mental Health 3. Wellness Model 4. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM 5) 5. Classification of mental ill-health 6. Mental Ill-Health includes * Dementia : Alzheimer’s * Alcohol Intoxication Delirium * Alcohol Dependence * Mood Disorder due to general medical condition * Schizophrenia Disorganised Types * Major Depressive Disorder * Autistic Disorder *Asperger’s Disorder * Gender Identity Disorder Details should also be included indicating how enduring chronic ill health and Mental Ill-health can be supported by the counselling process Enduring Illnesses can include: 1. Definition of enduring Illness 2. Illnesses include: * Chronic Fatigue syndrome * Chronic Respiratory Disease * Diabètes Mellites * Auto-immune Disease (Lupus Erythematosus, HIV/AIDS) * Cardiovascular Disease (heart failure, cardiopathy) * Osteoporosis *Cancer Other points of detail in the essay should include: Supporting Enduring Illness through the Counselling Process The effects of Medication on the counselling Process Essay should end with a conclusion. It is imperative that the following learning outcomes are achieved in developing the essay: Learning Outcomes (LOs 1, 2, 3, 4). Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to: 1. Identify and evaluate models of health behaviour. 2. Engage with significant and emerging theories and research with regards to mental ill-health issues in professional practice. 3. Engage with significant and emerging theories and research with regards to enduring illness in professional practice. 4. Critically evaluate psychology of health in relation to self. Wounded healers.