Discuss the similarities and differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Discuss the role of endosymbiosis and evolution in the development of these processes. Compare energy usage
and conversion between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Why is there a difference, if any? What is the purpose of meiosis, and how does it compare to mitosis? Discuss homologous chromosomes,
sister chromatids, crossing over, and independent assortment in your explanations. Why is there a difference between mitosis and meiosis? Design an experiment that investigates
the rates of mitosis in two different organisms or tissue samples. You may use any of the materials that we have used this year in the lab to develop your procedure. Include: Procedure and purpose
Hypothesis Sample table for QUANTITATIVE data collection [do not fill this out]. A discussion of error BEYOND YOUR CONTROL that needs to be accounted for when analyzing your experimental
results. Why is it important to have a carefully controlled experiment when investigating the natural world? Is it truly important to account for sources of error? Support your argument
. What are useful ways of representing data for easy



































































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