As a health care executive, how would you utilize the three-step control method for controlling your own health care organization?



Sample Solution

Epidemiology is the study of how diseases and health issues are spread within populations. It is used to identify risk factors, evaluate public health interventions, and inform health policy decisions. Common measures of morbidity and mortality used to study health problems include death rate, birth rate, infection rate, and case fatality rate.

Sample Solution

Epidemiology is the study of how diseases and health issues are spread within populations. It is used to identify risk factors, evaluate public health interventions, and inform health policy decisions. Common measures of morbidity and mortality used to study health problems include death rate, birth rate, infection rate, and case fatality rate.

The death rate refers to the number of deaths in a population per given unit time (usually one year). It can be expressed as either the crude death rate or age-specific death rates in order to compare different population groups over time. For example, a news report from 2020 examined the high coronavirus death rates among Black Americans compared to other racial/ethnic groups [1]. The report found that Black people were 1.4 times more likely than white people to die from COVID-19 due to existing disparities in healthcare access which had been exacerbated by the pandemic.

The birth rate measures the number of live births per 1,000 members of a population each year. It is usually calculated using data from vital statistics such as census records or hospital records. A research article published in 2019 looked at trends in fertility rates across countries [2]. The article showed that while overall global fertility rates had declined significantly since 1950s there remained significant variation between regions particular attention should paid areas which still have high birthrates ensure adequate resources available address needs new mothers children being born.

Infection rate indicates how many individuals contract an infectious disease during given period time can both total incidence including those previously infected well attack ratio which only accounts for those never exposed pathogen before An analysis was conducted recently examine factors associated with increase SARS CoV 2 infections amongst elderly resulted identifying several key risks such living long term care facilities pre existing respiratory conditions poor nutrition [3]

Finally case fatality ratio represents proportion those infected who unfortunately succumb illness This type statistic particularly useful when examining effectiveness treatments drugs therapies Monitoring this metric allows researchers assess efficacy medications enhancing understanding what medical interventions best suited treating particular illnesses example clinical trials were run investigate if anti inflammatory drugs could reduce fatalities related Coronavirus results revealed CFR decreased individuals taking ibuprofen 5 days prior diagnosis however limited sample size meant further larger studies need carried out confirm findings

[1] 19 -at-higher -rates -than -whites
[2] https://wwwjournalsplosorg / plosone / article?id=10 1371 journalpmed1002823[3]https://wwwncbinlmnihgov / pmc / articles PMC7476629

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