Discuss several therapeutic factors relative to group versus individual therapy. How and why are they similar and different? Cite your sources and respond to at least one other student’s post.

Required Reading:
Field, T (2018). Group Dynamics and Process: Therapeutic Factors [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tgeLbkcLSM (5:41)
MassGeneralHospital (2018). Group Therapy: The Power of the Group to Change Relationship Patterns [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47YvO6bfSYY (34:01)
Mitsopoulou-Sonta, L. (2019). Working in group therapy during a period of social trauma. Group Analysis, 52(2),158-171. Retrieved from Sage Psychology Subject Collection
Optional Materials
American Psychological Association. Psychotherapy: Understanding Group Therapy. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/group-therapy.aspx

Paquin, J. D., Kivlighan, D. I., & Drogosz, L. M. (2013). If you get better, will I? An actor–partner analysis of the mutual influence of group therapy outcomes. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 60(2), 171-179. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search.

Tate, K. A., Rivera, E. T., Conwill, W. L., Miller, M. D., & Puig, A. (2013). Conceptualizing Group Dynamics From Our Clients’ Perspective: Development of the Conceptualization of Group Dynamics Inventory. Journal For Specialists In Group Work, 38(2), 146-168. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search.
Differentiate between authority and power and their influence on group dynamics
Formulate a strategy to mitigate intra- or inter- group conflict within an organization
Distinguish between the factors involved in the formation of crowds and collectives
Identify key terms related to the study of groups
Analyze the effect of cohesion on group development
Evaluate the benefits and potential pitfalls of using group work to accomplish a task
Explain the psychological theories related to group decision-making
Justify the use of group therapy versus individual therapy in psychology

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