Assignment -Trauma Informed Clinical Assessment and Case Conceptualization

A sound and ethical practice includes the use of the clinical case conceptualization and case consultation process. Students will watch a movie where a character experiences a traumatic event and will formulate a comprehensive, clinical assessment and conceptualization. Students should create a 3-6 page trauma informed clinical assessment and case conceptualization, addressing each of the following items. Professional sources should support

Give a brief history of your client’s presenting concerns and your concerns. How was the client referred to your program?
Describe what is known about the client’s trauma experiences. How was trauma assessed (or not)? If there isn’t specific information regarding trauma, discuss whether and why a trauma framework makes sense for this client.
Identify the trauma or PTSD symptoms the character(s) endorse and if there was a single, complex or developmental trauma. If there are no current symptoms, discuss what experiences could lead to trauma symptoms.
Identify strengths and protective factors the character(s) has.
Describe the client’s adaptations to trauma using a trauma-informed approach.
Discuss your approach to treatment and working effectively with the client. In which phase would you expect to begin, or have you begun treatment?
Describe the treatment relationship. What are some of the relationship dynamics? What is helpful, and what gets in the way of being empathic with this client? What obstacles does the client or client’s situation bring to bear?
Discuss vicarious traumatization. How will working with this client affect you?
Which aspects of this case are most challenging?
How can consultation with peers/ colleagues and your respective supervisor support your work in this case? Identify three and list three topics and/or questions that you would want to seek clinical consultation from your supervisor and clinical team to support working effectively with the client. Provide rationale for why the three identified topics and/or questions would be important to seek clinical consultation for.

Movies to watch include but are not limited to Precious, Hillbilly Elegy, Honey Boy, Joker, Crash, Saving Private Ryan, Monster, Boys Don’t Cry, Girl Interrupted, Moonlight, Wild, Fearless, Perks of Being a WallFlower



Sample solution

Dante Alighieri played a critical role in the literature world through his poem Divine Comedy that was written in the 14th century. The poem contains Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. The Inferno is a description of the nine circles of torment that are found on the earth. It depicts the realms of the people that have gone against the spiritual values and who, instead, have chosen bestial appetite, violence, or fraud and malice. The nine circles of hell are limbo, lust, gluttony, greed and wrath. Others are heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Dante’s Inferno in the perspective of its portrayal of God’s image and the justification of hell. 

In this epic poem, God is portrayed as a super being guilty of multiple weaknesses including being egotistic, unjust, and hypocritical. Dante, in this poem, depicts God as being more human than divine by challenging God’s omnipotence. Additionally, the manner in which Dante describes Hell is in full contradiction to the morals of God as written in the Bible. When god arranges Hell to flatter Himself, He commits egotism, a sin that is common among human beings (Cheney, 2016). The weakness is depicted in Limbo and on the Gate of Hell where, for instance, God sends those who do not worship Him to Hell. This implies that failure to worship Him is a sin.

God is also depicted as lacking justice in His actions thus removing the godly image. The injustice is portrayed by the manner in which the sodomites and opportunists are treated. The opportunists are subjected to banner chasing in their lives after death followed by being stung by insects and maggots. They are known to having done neither good nor bad during their lifetimes and, therefore, justice could have demanded that they be granted a neutral punishment having lived a neutral life. The sodomites are also punished unfairly by God when Brunetto Lattini is condemned to hell despite being a good leader (Babor, T. F., McGovern, T., & Robaina, K. (2017). While he commited sodomy, God chooses to ignore all the other good deeds that Brunetto did.

Finally, God is also portrayed as being hypocritical in His actions, a sin that further diminishes His godliness and makes Him more human. A case in point is when God condemns the sin of egotism and goes ahead to commit it repeatedly. Proverbs 29:23 states that “arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected.” When Slattery condemns Dante’s human state as being weak, doubtful, and limited, he is proving God’s hypocrisy because He is also human (Verdicchio, 2015). The actions of God in Hell as portrayed by Dante are inconsistent with the Biblical literature. Both Dante and God are prone to making mistakes, something common among human beings thus making God more human.

To wrap it up, Dante portrays God is more human since He commits the same sins that humans commit: egotism, hypocrisy, and injustice. Hell is justified as being a destination for victims of the mistakes committed by God. The Hell is presented as being a totally different place as compared to what is written about it in the Bible. As a result, reading through the text gives an image of God who is prone to the very mistakes common to humans thus ripping Him off His lofty status of divine and, instead, making Him a mere human. Whether or not Dante did it intentionally is subject to debate but one thing is clear in the poem: the misconstrued notion of God is revealed to future generations.



Babor, T. F., McGovern, T., & Robaina, K. (2017). Dante’s inferno: Seven deadly sins in scientific publishing and how to avoid them. Addiction Science: A Guide for the Perplexed, 267.

Cheney, L. D. G. (2016). Illustrations for Dante’s Inferno: A Comparative Study of Sandro Botticelli, Giovanni Stradano, and Federico Zuccaro. Cultural and Religious Studies4(8), 487.

Verdicchio, M. (2015). Irony and Desire in Dante’s” Inferno” 27. Italica, 285-297.

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Sample Answer



Trauma-Informed Clinical Assessment and Case Conceptualization in “Hillbilly Elegy”


In the movie “Hillbilly Elegy,” directed by Ron Howard, the character J.D. Vance experiences a series of traumatic events that shape his life trajectory. This essay will provide a trauma-informed clinical assessment and case conceptualization for J.D. Vance, addressing various aspects of his trauma experiences and their implications for treatment.

Brief History and Presenting Concerns

J.D. Vance, a young man from a working-class family in rural Ohio, presents with concerns related to his upbringing in a chaotic and abusive environment. He was referred to the program due to his struggles with anger management, substance abuse, and difficulties in forming stable relationships.

Trauma Experiences

J.D. Vance’s trauma experiences are rooted in his turbulent family life, marked by domestic violence, substance abuse, and emotional neglect. While there may not be a formal assessment of trauma in the movie, a trauma framework is essential for understanding the impact of his experiences on his psychological well-being.

Trauma Symptoms

J.D. Vance exhibits symptoms of complex trauma, including hypervigilance, emotional dysregulation, and feelings of worthlessness. His adaptive strategies involve minimizing his emotions and dissociating from the pain of his past.

Strengths and Protective Factors

Despite his traumatic experiences, J.D. Vance demonstrates resilience through his academic achievements, determination to break free from generational poverty, and strong work ethic. His supportive grandmother serves as a protective factor in his life.

Treatment Approach

A trauma-informed approach to treatment for J.D. Vance would involve building a trusting therapeutic relationship, validating his experiences, and helping him develop healthier coping mechanisms. The initial phase of treatment would focus on stabilization and emotional regulation.

Treatment Relationship

The treatment relationship with J.D. Vance may be characterized by challenges related to trust, shame, and resistance to vulnerability. Understanding these dynamics and fostering empathy are crucial for establishing a therapeutic alliance.

Vicarious Traumatization

Working with a client like J.D. Vance can evoke vicarious traumatization in the therapist, leading to feelings of helplessness or burnout. It is essential for the therapist to engage in self-care practices and seek supervision to process these emotions.

Challenging Aspects

The most challenging aspects of this case may include addressing intergenerational trauma, navigating family dynamics, and helping J.D. Vance confront painful memories from his past.

Clinical Consultation

Clinical consultation with peers, colleagues, and a supervisor can provide valuable support in working effectively with J.D. Vance. Three important topics for consultation could include strategies for building rapport with resistant clients, interventions for addressing complex trauma symptoms, and ethical considerations when working with vulnerable populations.

In conclusion, conducting a trauma-informed clinical assessment and case conceptualization for J.D. Vance from “Hillbilly Elegy” requires sensitivity, empathy, and an understanding of the complex interplay between trauma and resilience in shaping an individual’s life. By adopting a holistic approach to treatment and seeking professional support when needed, therapists can help clients like J.D. Vance navigate their healing journey towards recovery and growth.

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