
Your team is given a link to a case $$ for bad Yelp (Links to an external site.). You are to assess this link, following the 7 steps below. Unlike CASE DISCUSSIONS, this discussion need not be done in Canvas. Only the results of the discussion must be posted by the Team Lead. But I suggest each of you post any final work that you contributed to the discussion, just to make certain your work gets counted. And ask me questions here about this assignment. Someone has to step up to be team lead. Team Lead role should rotate. To do this assignment, you must read my CRITICAL READINGPreview the document notes which define and explain the concepts of the 7 different steps.

Each team member should call dibs on which step they would like to do. First come, first served.


Establish Provenance, if source is an online news source, is there a parent commercial news resource?
Identify unknown terms or people or groups that the reporter has not explained.
Note any vagueness or ambiguity.
Note any speculation.
Identify one-month background history of the event. Local (Silicon Valley) event? American event? Foreign event? Recent event or over 6 months ago? The closer the event is to you now in time & place, the less extra background history you have to find.
Note tone: upset, angry, sarcastic, or cool and objective?
Note terms of probability, possibility, and conditionality.

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