Criteria for Critical Response 1. All submissions must be no less than 2 double spaced pages. 2. Only Times New Roman font and size 12 will get full credit. 3. There should be no title page, no headers, and no page numbering. 4. The heading should be on the top left hand corner of the paper and the heading should include student name, date, and course ONLY. The heading should be single spaced. 5. No first person use is allowed. If you are not familiar with first person writing, please refer to youtube or the writing center for assistance. 6. There should be no gaps between paragraphs. Please send me a message if you do not know how to remove the gaps between paragraphs. 7. For the critical responses, there are no sources required, but if a student decides to use one, the source must be cited appropriately. 8. The submission should be original writing. No plagiarized papers will be accepted. 9. The submissions should not be summary of the videos. 10. The paper should not be a previously submitted assignment for another course. • Each of these criteria are worth 10 pts each What is a critical response? All submissions will be a critical response on any of the videos the student has seen. A critical response is an analysis of the video where a student gets to critique the information that is shared. What was the student’s impression of the video? Is the information still relevant? Why is the information important?

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