So, 0, 10, 20, 30 are x-axis, and 0, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 60000 are y-axis

import java.util.*;



  • CSC142 Programming Assignment #4:


  • Print an ascii histogram of the values of the ‘distribution[]’ array (defined below)
  • to standard output.


  • You will use print and println methods to print this histogram to standard output, but
  • it will appear ‘sideways’.


  • The output should have a line to represent the x-axis, and labels on the x-axis
  • in 5 or 10 count increments.


  • Use the ‘*’ character to represent the magnitude of the values. You will want to look
  • at the initialization statement below, find the maximum value in ‘distribution[]’ and
  • scale your output to an optimal display size for the end user.


  • I will post an example of a properly scaled output for this data set, and how the histogram
  • should appear to the Resources block in WAMAP.


  • You may modify the main() method below (which does not work properly),
  • or write your own method(s) to complete the assignment.


  • You can begin with this file, but please remember to remove my comments and replace
  • them with your own. (including a header comment with name, date, assignment number,
  • a description of what the class does, etc.)


  • The array, ‘distribution[]’, has previously been computed from the Geiger counter data
  • log file 7_14_2019.txt, which is posted in the Resources Block if you want to look at it.


  • The number of counts per minute logged to this file ranges from 0-39 counts per minute,
  • for the entire 15 months logged in the file.
  • So ‘distribution[]’ is statically initialized below, with 40 elements, which cover the
  • range from 0 to 39 counts per minute.


  • The number of occurrences of each specific value of counts per minute in the log file is
  • stored in distribution[], at that particular array index in distribution[].


  • For example, during the 15 month period that is logged in the file, there were exactly
  • 8 times that a value of 2 counts per minute occurred. This is seen below in the
  • initialization statement for ‘distribution’: distribution[2] has the value 8.



public class PrintDistribution {

// private static String infile = “7_14_2019.txt”; The original data file name,

// included here for documentation.

public static int[] distribution = {0,1,8,59,215,703,1848,3975,8077,13937,22195,31628,




public static final int MAX_COUNTS = distribution.length;

public static void main(String[] args){

for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNTS ; i++) {

if (i % 10 == 0) {




else {

if (i < 10) {

System.out.println(” |”);


else {

System.out.println(” |”);






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