The first section covers the history of the policy and what lead up to it. Also what are some of the social movements in history that made this policy
possible. Should be fact based. Then present the actual policy you are writing about, key points related to: problems, population involved, what the
benefit or service is the policy supposed to offer.
The second section is also fact/research based. Who else is affected by the policy such as stakeholders. What special interest groups support or
oppose the policy. What are the points of view of the conservative and liberal groups…do they like or oppose the population affected or you can write
about how those political ideologies view the problem the policy is attempting to address. Then the actual voting statistics and/or information about
which political party represented or wrote the policy and who co-sponsored.
Third section is more of your opinion. Based of the research, what do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses. Does the policy work? Is the
problem fix or have people intended to receive benefits actually improve. Write about unintended consequences, what actually happened from the
policy that wasn’t expected, should be research based with your opinion added.
Fourth section is about delivery of benefits and knowing what state and local government departments are involved. How do people receive benefits
and how do they get them; this may not always be tangible benefits so think about things like: improved access to care, improved work or home
environments, support.

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