Read “Vitruvius and the Origins of the Orders: Sacrifice and Taboo in Greek Architectural Myth,” by George L. Hersey, Perspecta, vol. 23 (1987), 66-77.
(available on JSTOR and as a PDF in Blackboard)

  1. How has Vitruvius’s reputation changed in the last hundred years? What is the current perception or opinion of Vitruvius’s work?
  2. What is a caryatid and what historical event inspired its invention, according to Vitruvius?
  3. What is a Persid and what historical event is cited by Vitruvius as the inspiration for its invention?
  4. What proportions did the Ionians use for the Doric columns in their temple to the Pan-Ionian Apollo? How did they come to use these proportions and why?
  5. What does Vitruvius mean by “entasis”?
  6. How are Ionic columns similar to caryatids? How do they relate to the bodies of women?
  7. What inspired the invention of the Corinthian order?
  8. What is the larger “plot” of Vitruvius’s five tales?
  9. What does the author mean by “taboo”? Why are the rules for the orders so important?
  10. Cite three examples of temple parts that are named for and/or resemble elements of ritual sacrifices.

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