Mass Murder

Your job in this activity board is to summarize the Petee et al. (1997) reading and its application and assessment in four parts.Part 1: Present the 3 most frequent motivation categories that Petee and colleagues (1997) found using their own typology. Make sure to...

Head & Shoulders Shampoo commercial

Watch Head & Shoulders Shampoo commercial featuring TV hit show Modern Family’s star Sofia Vargas (and her son) as the spokesperson. Vargas is recently ranked as one of the top paid actors, making over $40 million...

Social stratification

This chapter describes two types of social stratification, the “closed system” of caste and the “open system” ofclass. Caste and class are not opposing concepts because class systems combine caste-like elements withelements of meritocracy. To be more precise, the...

Replication Crisis

Read the attached 4 readings and answer the following questions:Baker article – This goes way beyond psychology This article gives survey results and not information about replications in each field. Why is this useful? Whatare its limitations?What are some of...

Digital divide

In the context of the vast innovations in the healthcare field that we have experienced in the last decade or so, a variety of technologies such as wearables are not accessible to several Americans. In the comfort of my home, I can now check my blood sugar levels if I...