topic : beauty standards sent on young girls by social media
Write a research essay in which you analyze the topic from your Research Proposal that
addresses the problem in ways that will move the conversation forward.
1. Define the problem and address its social context. What existing perspectives give
relevance and urgency to the problem?
2. Contribute something new to the issue: a solution, new strategy, solution, policy,
perspective, or insight into the problem that addresses the challenges of the issue.
3. Make sure that the purpose of your argument is clear and that your contribution to the
issue anticipates possible implications of the problem that you have identified.
4. Think about your own credibility as well: pay close attention to organization,
academic conventions, rhetorical tools, and to the support you offer from outside
5. Give enough context to convey the relevance and urgency of the issue to one or more
social groups. Acknowledge other existing perspectives and appeal to these
perspectives where possible. Overall, the goal is to move the conversation about the
issue forward by leaving audiences with new insights, understandings, or
perspectives on the challenges the issue poses
6. Decide about form and formal conventions. Research essays typically take the form
of academic arguments, which show original thinking and offer insight into issues
with reference to outside research.
7. Using evidence from reliable sources, you will support your insight into your topic
and address how the insight might contribute positively to the way an audience
perceives the problem or takes action in relation to it.
8. Use rhetorical skills, writing strategies, and habits of critical thinking that you have
learned in your first-year writing courses to write this essay. The essay will serve as
an index of the rhetorical abilities, writing processes, and knowledge about writing
that the writer has learned in first-year writing



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Sample Answer




Beauty Standards Imposed on Young Girls by Social Media


Beauty standards, especially those propagated by social media platforms, have a significant impact on young girls. The pressure to conform to unrealistic ideals of beauty can lead to various negative consequences, such as low self-esteem, body image issues, and even mental health problems. This essay aims to delve into the social context of this issue, propose new perspectives, and offer potential solutions to mitigate the harmful effects of beauty standards imposed on young girls by social media.

Defining the Problem and Social Context

The problem of beauty standards imposed on young girls by social media is deeply ingrained in our society. Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, often present a distorted view of beauty through filters, editing tools, and influencers who adhere to unattainable beauty standards. Young girls are bombarded with images of flawless skin, slim bodies, and perfect features, creating a sense of inadequacy and pressure to look a certain way.

Existing perspectives on this issue highlight the detrimental effects of these beauty standards on young girls’ self-esteem and mental well-being. Studies have shown a correlation between exposure to idealized beauty standards on social media and feelings of body dissatisfaction and low self-worth among adolescent girls. The relentless pursuit of an unattainable beauty ideal can lead to eating disorders, anxiety, and depression in vulnerable individuals.

Contributing a New Perspective

To address the challenges posed by beauty standards imposed on young girls by social media, we need to shift the focus from unrealistic beauty ideals to promoting self-acceptance, diversity, and authenticity. One potential solution is for social media platforms to implement stricter guidelines regarding the promotion of unrealistic beauty standards. By regulating the content that influencers can post and promoting more diverse representations of beauty, we can create a more inclusive and empowering online environment for young girls.

Another perspective to consider is the role of parents, educators, and healthcare professionals in fostering positive body image and self-esteem in young girls. By promoting open conversations about body positivity, self-care, and media literacy, we can empower young girls to resist the negative influence of beauty standards on social media and develop a healthy relationship with their bodies.

Anticipated Implications and Audience Engagement

By advocating for a shift towards more realistic and inclusive representations of beauty on social media, we can empower young girls to embrace their unique qualities and reject harmful beauty standards. This approach not only benefits the mental health and well-being of young girls but also promotes a culture of acceptance and diversity in our society.

For parents, educators, policymakers, and influencers, this essay serves as a call to action to take responsibility for the messages they convey about beauty and self-worth. By acknowledging the harmful effects of unrealistic beauty standards on young girls and actively working towards positive change, we can create a more supportive environment for the next generation.


In conclusion, the issue of beauty standards imposed on young girls by social media is a complex and pervasive problem that requires a multifaceted approach. By understanding the social context of this issue, proposing new perspectives, and advocating for change, we can move the conversation forward and create a more inclusive and empowering environment for young girls to thrive. It is imperative that we work together as a society to challenge unrealistic beauty ideals and promote self-acceptance, diversity, and authenticity in the digital age.


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