Analyse the decision making process of the clients between the three variables, brand loyalty, online reviews and co creation process, how this affects the decision between a regular Airbnb and a an airbnb owned by big chain hotels. And in the and be able to say if this is a good decision to be made by hotel chains to over come the problems airbnbs have brought to hotels


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Title: Brand Loyalty, Reviews, Co-Creation on Airbnb vs. Hotel-Airbnb.

The rise of the sharing economy has significantly disrupted the traditional hotel industry, with platforms like Airbnb gaining immense popularity among travelers seeking unique and personalized accommodation experiences. In this essay, we will delve into the decision-making process of consumers when choosing between a regular Airbnb property and an Airbnb owned by big chain hotels. We will explore the influence of brand loyalty, online reviews, and the co-creation process on consumer decisions and evaluate whether hotel chains investing in Airbnb properties is a strategic move to counter the challenges posed by the Airbnb model.

Thesis Statement:
The decision-making process of consumers between a regular Airbnb and a hotel-owned Airbnb is influenced by factors such as brand loyalty, online reviews, and the co-creation process. Hotel chains can leverage these factors to attract customers and compete effectively with traditional Airbnb properties.

Brand Loyalty:
Brand loyalty plays a crucial role in consumer decision-making, as it reflects the trust and preference that customers have for a particular brand. In the context of Airbnb versus hotel-owned Airbnb properties, consumers with strong brand loyalty towards established hotel chains may be more inclined to choose the latter due to familiarity, perceived quality standards, and loyalty rewards programs. On the other hand, consumers who value the unique and local experiences offered by regular Airbnb hosts may prioritize individuality over brand reputation.

Online Reviews:
In the digital age, online reviews have become a powerful influencer of consumer behavior. Potential guests often rely on reviews from previous visitors to assess the quality, authenticity, and overall experience of a property. While hotel-owned Airbnbs may benefit from the reputation and credibility of established hotel brands, regular Airbnb hosts can also build credibility through positive reviews and personalized interactions with guests. The transparency of online reviews levels the playing field between traditional hotels and Airbnb properties, as both types of accommodations are subject to public scrutiny.

Co-Creation Process:
The co-creation process involves active collaboration between hosts and guests in shaping the guest experience. Regular Airbnb hosts typically excel in co-creation by offering personalized services, local recommendations, and tailored experiences based on guest preferences. Hotel-owned Airbnbs can leverage their resources and infrastructure to enhance the co-creation process by integrating hotel amenities, services, and branding elements into the Airbnb experience. By involving guests in the design of their stay, hosts can create memorable experiences that cater to individual needs and preferences.

In conclusion, the decision-making process of consumers between regular Airbnb properties and hotel-owned Airbnbs is influenced by a combination of factors such as brand loyalty, online reviews, and the co-creation process. While traditional hotel chains face challenges from the rise of Airbnb, investing in Airbnb properties can be a strategic move to tap into the growing demand for unique and personalized accommodations. By leveraging their brand reputation, harnessing the power of online reviews, and enhancing the co-creation process, hotel chains can attract customers seeking a blend of hotel reliability and Airbnb authenticity. Ultimately, this hybrid approach may enable hotel chains to adapt to changing consumer preferences and compete effectively in the evolving hospitality landscape.



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